Bucharest, Romania
2003 - 2004 IPF Fellow

Founder of Fresh Air Romania, the first NGO for non-smokers rights in Romania.
e-mail: radu@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/radu/

Fellow project
2003 - 2004:
Tobacco control policy in Eastern Europe: The case of Romania
The objectives of the project are to develop practical political mapping and advocacy strategy in tobacco control; identify promising entry points to the policymaking process as well as bureaucratic and political obstacles, active supporters and opponents, and existing and potential tobacco control advocacy coalitions and networks of advocates; prepare a course on tobacco control for students at Romanian universities; and write a research paper/monograph and a policy paper for the Romanian Parliament, Romanian Government, World Health Organization, and UICC.

Working groups: Tobacco Economics Research and Advocacy

Relevant countries: Romania