Bucharest, Romania
1999 - 2001 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Consultant to the Romanian government on European Union integration issues with the European Institute and a former public relations adviser to the Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister.
e-mail: chiritoiu@policy.hu
secondary e-mail: bogdan.chiritoiu@t-rc.org
website: http://www.policy.hu/chiritoiu/

Fellow projects
2000 - 2001:
Buying health: Assessing the institutional performance of Romanian health funds with lessons from Hungary and the Czech Republic
The project aims to create an evaluation system for the purchasing of health funds, assess the performance of the two competing institutional arrangements: the single/monopoly purchaser model and the multiple/competitive purchaser model, use the results to make recommendations for improving Romanian health reform, and develop a policy paper in the field of public medicine/health.

Working groups: Public Health Policy

Relevant countries: Romania

1999 - 2000: Romanian health care reform: Markets in health and experiences from other Central and Eastern European countries
The objectives of the project are to develop a policy paper in the field of public medicine and health, conduct research on the main features of current reforms in the Romanian health sector and to compare the results of the research with the experiences of other countries in the region, provide an evaluation and critique of the reform process, and advance public debate on health policy in the region.

Working groups: Public Health Policy

Relevant countries: Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic