Krakow, Poland
1999 - 2001 IPF Fellow

Assistant Professor at Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (
secondary e-mail:

Fellow projects
2000 - 2001:
Media policy for ethnic, national and religious minorities: Comparative analysis of Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia
The project aims to define media policy concerning ethnic and national minorities designed by governments and their agencies as well as by the public media (mainly through division of financial support for minority media and implementation of national and international media legislation) in three countries of the region: Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia; and develop a policy paper in the field of media.

Working groups: Comparative Studies, Human Rights Policy, Media Policy

Relevant countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia

1999 - 2000: Ethnic minority participation in the public sphere
The objectives of the project are to develop a policy paper in the fields of media and minority issues, conduct research into media representation of ethnic minorities, and examine how ethnic groups participate in public debate in Central European countries as compared with established multi-ethnic societies.

Working groups: Equal Opportunities

Relevant countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia