Riga, Latvia
1999 - 2001 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Founder and Director of the New Theatre of Latvia and Ministry of Culture Adviser, Riga, Latvia
e-mail: tjarve@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/tjarve/

Fellow projects
2000 - 2001:
Developing performing arts policy
The objective of the fellowship is to develop comparative research on performing arts policy in Baltic countries, launch a European network/team of researchers focusing on the issue of art policy, and develop a policy paper in the field of culture.

Working groups: Comparative Studies, Cultural Policy

Relevant countries: Latvia

1999 - 2000: New performing arts theatre centre: A model
The objectives of the project are to develop a policy paper in the field of culture, develop a new model for a cultural organization through a pilot project developing the New Theatre Institute of Latvia, and carry out comparative research on the administration of performing arts centers in Eastern and Western European countries.

Working groups: Cultural Policy

Relevant countries: