Bucharest, Romania
2004 - 2005 IPF Fellow

National School of Political Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Affiliation: Associate Lecturer at the National School of Political Studies, Bucharest, Romania and also a Research Fellow at the Median Research Centre (MRC), a research and advocacy think-tank based in Bucharest, Romania
e-mail: muntean@policy.hu
secondary e-mail: admuntean@gmail.com
website: http://www.policy.hu/muntean/

Fellow project
2004 - 2005:
Church-state relations in Romania: towards centralization or modularity?
The objectives of the project are to analyze the current framework of church-state relations in Romania; identify the premises for collaboration between churches established for secular purposes and those creating special purpose associations; write a research and policy paper in the field of church-state relations for the leaders of Romanian recognized churches, government officials (State Secretariat for Cults), legislative officials (Romanian Parliament), and the NGO sector (especially organizations that offer or administer funds available to churches as well such as the Open Society Foundation Romania and Civil Society Development Foundation).

Working groups: Church-State Relations

Relevant countries: Romania