Budapest, Hungary
2000 - 2001 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; and formerly Head of the European Roma and Travellers Forum, Brussels, Belgium

Fellow project
2000 - 2001:
Young Roma participation in higher education
The goals of the project are to promote Roma youth participation in higher education to assist them in completing their academic studies in higher educational institutes and encourage them to utilize their knowledge in their community, develop a concrete strategy on how to implement the higher educational concept within the selected CEE countries of the Soros foundations network, work out the framework mechanisms and processes in place after one year in order to successfully implement the project in selected countries, establish an implementation partners network to extend the program to other countries in the region, and develop a policy paper in the field of higher education.

Working groups: Comparative Studies, Roma Policy, Human Rights Policy, Higher Education Policy

Relevant countries: Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria