Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2001 - 2002 IPF Fellow

Affiliation: Government adviser on higher education reform issues, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
e-mail: sodnomtseren@policy.hu
secondary e-mail: altansodnom@hotmail.com
website: http://www.policy.hu/sodnomtseren/

Fellow project
2001 - 2002:
University-science-business cooperation for the sustainable financial development of higher education in Mongolia
The project aims to compare current Mongolian policies and legislation regarding university funding and external cooperation with that of other countries; explore the potential for public-private partnerships in Mongolia to support discretionary funding of universities; investigate opportunities for university entrepreneurship in forging economic ties with certain industries, non-profit and international organizations; and develop a policy paper in the field of education policy.

Working groups: Economic Development and Microfinance Policy, Higher Education Policy

Relevant countries: Mongolia