Kabul, Afghanistan
2005 - 2006 IPF Fellow

Ahmed Idrees Rahmani promotes democratic governance in Afghanistan.

International Policy Fellow Ahmed Idrees Rahmani organized research teams, community focus group discussions, and extensive interviews throughout Afghanistan to better understand the role of both religious institutions and the newly established Community Development Councils in Afghan local governance. Many of the predictions of his preliminary policy study have proven accurate. As a result of the research project, Idrees is working to establish an independent policy institute as well as a new ministry for regional development to better promote informed policymaking and democratic governance in Afghanistan.

Affiliation: Policy Researcher in Kabul
e-mail: rahmani@policy.hu
website: http://www.policy.hu/rahmani/

Fellow project
2005 - 2006: Religious leaders in Afghan local governance
The objectives of the project are to analyze the challenges of local governance reform in Afghanistan and its competition with the existing structure of Mosques; devise a set of policy recommendations for the policy makers to choose the best feasible options for future of local governance structure for Afghanistan; write a research paper and policy study for relevant Afghan policy makers.

Study: The role of religious leaders in the provision of local services in Afghanistan

Working groups: Church-State Relations, Modernization, Globalization, and Islam
Relevant countries: Afghanistan