Something more about me

I was born in 1959, in Sombor, FRY. I finished primary and secondary education in Sombor, FRY. I graduated in 1983 at The University of Political Science in Belgrade. I am married and have three children. I live in Podgorica.

I am one of the founders and I have been a member of the editorial team of the Montenegrin independent weekly magazine “Monitor”, since 1990.

I have worked with the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Montenegro (CITUM), as a Head of the Department for International Cooperation, Education and Information, since 1997.
I am member of ETUC Expert Task Force for Stability Pact for South East Europe.

I am founder and Director of NGO Center for Industrial Democracy Development in Podgorica.

Some of my Publications:

Books published:

1. Dragan Djuric, Veseljko Koprivica and Bozidar i. Milicic, 1990, Stranke u Crnoj Gori, (Parties in Montenegro) edited in 1990, Press commerce, Podgorica;

2. Dragan Djuric, Sindikalne slobode i prava (Trade Union Rights and Freedoms), edited in 1998 CITUM, Podgorica;

3. Socijalna dimenzija procesa tranzicije u Crnoj Gori (Social Dimension of the Process of Transition), edited 1998 (Anthology of works, editor – Dragan Djuric), CITUM and CRID, Podgorica

4. Zbornik brosura za sindikalno obrazovanje (Collection/textbook for  Trade Union education) , editors Dragan Djuric, Darko Marinkovic; edited in 2001. UGS Nezavisnost, SSSCG, Podgorica, Beograd.

5. Dragan Djuric, Organisational Structure of CITUM Organizaciono ustrojstvo SSSCG, UGS Nezavisnost, SSSCG; edited in 2001, Podgorica, Beograd.

6. Dragan Djuric, Proces tranzicije i sindikat u Crnoj Gori, (Transition Proces and Trade Union in Montenegro); edited in 1999 within Collection “Role of Trade Unions in Transition”- CPS-CPA, Beograd

Articles published in foreign magazines:

1. Djuric, Dragan, 1998, Montenegro: Privatization in Shadow of Politics, SEER - South East Europe Review for Labor and Social Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, February 1998.

2. Djuric, Dragan, 1999. Shadow Economy: Between Authority and Crime, SEER - South East Europe Review for Labor and Social Affairs, Volume 2, Number 1, April 1999.

3. Djuric, Dragan, 1996, Montenegro - An unknown country, Jim Conway Foundation Bulletin, Vol.17, No.8.

4. Dragan Djuric, Grigor Gradev, Darko Marinkovic: EKS Forum Stability Pact, Trade Unions and Societies in Balkan Democratisation Processes; edited in 2000, European Trade Union Yearbook; ETUC ETUI, Bruxelless

5. Dragan Djuric, Grigor Gradev, Darko Marinkovic: ETUC Stability Pact Forum: trade unions and the process and of the democratisation of Balkan societies, SEER -  South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 1/2000

6. Dragan Djuric, Social dialogue in south-east Europena countries, SEER - South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, October 2002.

7. Dragan Djuric, The economic development of Montenegro in Montenegro in Transition, Problems of Identity and Statehood, ed. Florian Bieber, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2003

 Articles published in domestic magazines:

I published several hundred expert and journalist texts in different magazines and papers, such as: “Rad”, “Radnicka stampa”, “Delavska enotnost”, Sindikalna akcija”, “Ekonomska politika”, “NIN”, “Monitor”, AIM etc.

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