Personal data:
- Name: Djuric Dragan
- DOB: 03/05/59
- Address: Djoka Mirasevica 21/32
Podgorica 81 000, Montenegro, FRY
- Contact phones: + 381 (0) 67 312
163 (cell); 81 264 764; 081 230 433
- E-mail & web. site: ssscg@cg.yu;
- Nationality: FRY
- Marital status: Married, three children
- 1982. University Degree in Political Sciences – Belgrade University
Summary: professional skills; areas of experiences & additional information
- Public policy, Trade unionism, journalism,
Media Policy, Social Dialog, social policy, economy, tripartism, ILO standards
and policy…
- Engaged to make numerous analyses, political
and social studies as well as science and expert surveys.
- As Monitor journalists took part in USIA
Visitor program (study trip to USA in 1992)
- One month study trip – European Trade Union
Institute in Bruxelles in 1996
Work Experience Summary
- 1987 – present Confederation
of Independent Trade Unions of Montenegro (CITUM) - Head of the Department
for International Cooperation & Education and Information Affairs.
- 1990 – 1998 Independent weekly magazine
“Monitor” – Editor for Economy issues;
one of the founders of “Monitor” magazine.
- 1998 – present NGO Center
for the Development of Industrial Democracy Podgorica – Director
- 1982 – present numerous engagements as
journalist, freelance contracted, with various newspapers and magazines
editions (see bellow.)
Published literature:
- Articles published in local editions and
ex Yugoslavia editions:
I am an author of several hundred expert
and journalist texts published in different magazines and papers: “Rad”,
“Radnicka stampa”, “Delavska enotnost”, Sindikalna akcija”, “Ekonomska
politika”, “NIN”, “Monitor”, “AIM”, “Protest”, etc.
Books published:
1. Dragan Djuric, Veseljko Koprivica and Bozidar i. Milicic, 1990, Stranke u Crnoj Gori, (Parties in Montenegro) edited in 1990, Press commerce, Podgorica;
2. Dragan Djuric, Sindikalne slobode i prava (Trade Union Rights and Freedoms), edited in 1998 CITUM, Podgorica;
3. Socijalna dimenzija procesa tranzicije u Crnoj Gori (Social Dimension of the Process of Transition), edited 1998 (Anthology of works, editor – Dragan Djuric), CITUM and CRID, Podgorica
4. Zbornik brosura za sindikalno obrazovanje (Collection/textbook for Trade Union education) , editors Dragan Djuric, Darko Marinkovic; edited in 2001. UGS Nezavisnost, SSSCG, Podgorica, Beograd.
5. Dragan Djuric, Organisational Structure of CITUM Organizaciono ustrojstvo SSSCG, UGS Nezavisnost, SSSCG; edited in 2001, Podgorica, Beograd.
6. Dragan Djuric, Proces tranzicije i sindikat u Crnoj Gori, (Transition Proces and Trade Union in Montenegro); edited in 1999 within Collection “Role of Trade Unions in Transition”- CPS-CPA, Beograd
Articles published in foreign magazines:
1. Djuric, Dragan, 1998, Montenegro: Privatization
in Shadow of Politics, SEER - South East Europe Review for Labor and Social
Affairs, Volume 1, Number 1, February 1998.
2. Djuric, Dragan, 1999. Shadow
Economy: Between Authority and Crime, SEER - South East Europe Review
for Labor and Social Affairs, Volume 2, Number 1, April 1999.
3. Djuric, Dragan, 1996, Montenegro - An
unknown country, Jim Conway Foundation Bulletin, Vol.17, No.8.
4. Dragan Djuric, Grigor Gradev, Darko Marinkovic:
EKS Forum Stability Pact, Trade Unions and Societies in Balkan Democratisation
Processes; edited in 2000, European Trade Union Yearbook; ETUC ETUI, Bruxelless
5. Dragan Djuric, Grigor Gradev, Darko Marinkovic:
Stability Pact Forum: trade unions and the process and of the democratisation
of Balkan societies, SEER - South East Europe Review for Labour
and Social Affairs, 1/2000
6. Dragan Djuric, Social
dialogue in south-east Europena countries, SEER - South East Europe
Review for Labour and Social Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, October 2002.
- Languages:
Serbian – mother tongue;
English – high intermediate level (oral &
German – intermediate