The Learning Government Research Project -Assessing policy making reform in Romania

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Description | Timetable | Policy Paper | Advocacy Plan | Issue Paper | Research Outline | Activity Report | Mentors

About Fellow


Ph.D. Cand. Claudiu Craciun



•  2002 PhD candidate, Faculty of Political Science, National National School of Political Studies and Administration, Research topic: Transnational governance and civil society

•  1997 -2001 Faculty of Political Science , National School of Political Studies and Administration, Bucharest, Romania; Graduation mark: 9.40, Title of BA Dissertation: Democracy after Democracy: Party System Institutionalization in Post communist Serbia;


Proffesional experience


•  2004 Expert, Public Policy Unit, General Secretariat of the Government

•  2002-2003 Teaching Development Fellow - Civic Education Project Romania (CEP)

•  2002 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Political Science , National School of Political Studies and Administration, Fundamental Concepts in Political Science, Political Science Paradigms

•  2001 Internship stage at the Serbian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, SHCHR in Belgrade , Serbia , Research project: Party System institutionalization in Post communist Serbia ;




•  2003 The state of the European Studies discipline in Romania (report to be submitted to EpsNet)

•  2001 Party System Institutionalization in Post communist Serbia (Serbian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights);

•  2000 Parties and Policies during the 1996-2000 Legislature of the Romanian Parliament; Parliamentary migration and its political consequences (Pro Democracy Association);

•  2000 The evaluation of parliamentary activity during the 1996 –2000 legislature (Pro Democracy Association);




•  2004 Strategic Monitor, Wars, global governance and intervention

•  2004 Teaching Political Science at the Movies,

•  2003 Nesting Europe The state of the European Studies discipline in Romania , available at

•  2003 Observatorul Cultural - Europa la noi acasa :

•  2002 Dilema Magazine, “Essay on the Clandestine Society or How the Romanian student movement vanished” - an insightful perspective on the evolution of the student movement in tranzitional Romania ;.

•  2001 Dilema Magazine, “The History near Us” - a brief description of the Serbian society and politics after the fall of Slobodan Milosevici;




•  European Political Science Network (EpsNet)- Doctoral member

•  European Consortiun of Political Research (graduate memeber)

•  Romanian Society of Political Science

•  International Association of Political Science Students

•  European Studies Network (CEP supported)




•  May 2004 Guest Speaker at the ‘Democracy and Development in South Esater Europe' Conference , Bogazici University , Istambul , Turkey

•  June 2003 Speaker at the EpsNet Annual conference Paris , France

•  June – July 2002  : Participant to «  Parties, Elections and Democracy: The Comparative Approach and its Methodology  Summer School » Tescani , Romania , 24 June – 6 July, organized by the Romanian Society of Political Science, with support from the OSI-HESP

•  May 2002. Guest Participant to the 2002 Plenary Session of EpsNet (European Network of Political Science) held in Kracow , Poland  ;

•  March 2002 . Guest Participant to the “ Good morning, terrorism ” Conference organized by the Polituss Association / Faculty of Social Sciences with the assistance of IAPSS, Ljubliana , Slovenia  ;

•  January 2001 Panelist to the “Europe in the Post Cold Era Internationalnal Workshop” organized by the Political Science Student Association from the University of Marburg and the German Association of Political Science Studentts, Marburg, Germany ;

•  June- July 2000   : Participant to the first International Summer School of Central Asia –organized by Osh State University, CEP Kyrgyzstan and Open Society Foundation, Osh, Kyrgyzstan ;


Organizational experience


•  January - December 2002 Chairperson of International Association of Political Science Students ( )

•  September 2001 Project Coordinator of “Bridges Network Conference for Political Science Students in Central and Eastern Europe” – Bucharest, organized by “Association of Political Science Students” with the support of Open Society Institute (OSI).

• July - August 2001 Project Coordinator from the Romanian side of the “Romanian-Serbian Political Science Summer School –Bridges/Mostovi 2001”, organized in NOVI SAD by “Students Politological Forum”- Department of Political Science, University of Belgrade with the support of Open Society Institute (OSI).



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