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Assistant Professor
Central European University
Political Sciences Department
Nador u. 9                                                                         

1051 Budapest       

Tel: (36-1) 235-6164 (office)

2001 Ph.D in Political Science, Free University of Berlin. Dissertation: “Europe’s New Periphery. Poland’s Transformation and Regional Integration”, (in German),
1992 Diploma in Political Science, Free University of Berlin. Diploma dissertation: “A Regulationist Interpretation of the French Economic Development in the IVth Republic.” (in German)
1989  Cycle of international studies, Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris

Academic Experience
8/2000 - present Assistant Professor at the Central European University, Political Science Department. Courses:
- From Embedded Liberalism to Neoliberal Globalization: Introduction To International Political Economy (MA level)
- Globalization, Regional Integration and the Changing Role of the State (PhD level)
6/1994 - 5/1999  Junior Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Center, Berlin (WZB), dept. Organisation and Employment. Conducted comparative research on transformation in Central Europe and research on the restructuring of the Polish transport industry
1993 Freelancer at the Center for Gender Studies, Free University of Berlin. Worked on feminist research on European Integration
1990 - 92   Student Assistant at the Economics Department, Free University of Berlin

7/1999 - 12/1999 Dissertation fellowship, Social Science Research Center, Berlin
9/10 1997  associated fellow at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sociological Institute, Warsaw
7/ 1997  summerschool fellowship of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
8/1989 - 1/1990  trainee-fellowship at the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union, Brussels
6 – 7 1989 trainee-fellowship at the European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels
9/1988 - 5/1989  Briand-Stresemann fellowship at the Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris

Administrative Activities
1999  member of the work group who organized the conference “Paradoxes of Globalisation from a Feminist Perspective” in Berlin, November 5 - 6, 1999
1996 - 1998  member of the equal opportunity committee at the WZB
1992 - 1996  committee member of the Volksuniversität Berlin e.V.

1999 ACE (Association for Critical Economics)
1997 - present  Vereinigung zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
1996 - present   EAEPE (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy)
1996 - present  Bund demokratischer WissenschaftlerInnen

Conference Presentations
5th Conference of the European Sociological Association in Helsinki, August 28-September 1, 2001. Paper on „European Integration and Eastern Enlargement: Dimensions of a New European Disorder“ accepted

ACE workshop on “Roots and New Approaches in Critical Economy“, in Olomouc, July 15 - 17, 1999. Paper “From Path-Dependency to Dependency? Lessons from the Transformation of the Polish Transport Industry“

WZB-workshop on “Reorganisation Multinationaler Konzerne. Neue Kontrollstrategien und ihre politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Tragfähigkeit“, in Berlin, December, 4 - 6, 1998. Co-presentation on the topic of transnational business and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union.

5th Workshop on "Theories and Approaches" organized by the ESF. Network on "Social Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe" in Paris, May 14 - 17, 1998. Paper “Internationalisation: A Neglected Aspect in Path Dependency Approach to Transformation“

WZB workshop on “Transformation der Logistik – Logistik der Transformation“, in Berlin, December 19 - 20, 1997. Paper co-authored with Dieter Plehwe on „The Role of Service Industry in Multinational Production Chains“

4th Workshop on "Institution Building in the Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe" organized by the ESF. Network on "Social Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe" in Budapest, December 5 - 7, 1997. Paper “Internationalisation and Institutional Fragmentation: The Case of the Polish Transport Industry“

Conference on “Poland: Social and Cultural Paradigms“, organised by the Centre Marc Bloch and the WZB, in Berlin, November 6 - 8, 1997. Paper “Between Local Anarchy and Global Networks: Transformation Processes in Polish Road Transportation“


Europas neue Peripherie. Polens Transformation und Transnationale Integration. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, forthcoming April 2002

Journal articles/Book chapters:
Development Paths on Europe’s Periphery: Hungary’s and Poland’s Return to Europe, in Polish Sociological Review, Vol. 33, Nr. 1 2001, pp. 3-27 (together with Béla Greskovits)
also in Serbian, in Habitus, Novi Sad, Dec. 2000, pp. 121-146

EU-Integration und Osterweiterung: Die Konturen einer neuen europäischen Unordnung, in: H-J- Bieling, J. Steinhilber (eds): Die Konfiguration Europas: Dimensionen einer kritischen Integrationstheorie. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 304-330, 2000

Internationalisation: An Issue Neglected in the Path-Dependency Approach to Post-Communist Transformation, in: Dobry, Michel (ed): Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Social Sciences, Dordrecht et al: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 235-261,

European Integration and Institutional Fragmentation: the Case of the Polish Transport Industry, in: Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 50, Nr. 3-4, pp. 351-370, 1999,
also in Hungarian, in: Külgazdaság Vol. XLIV, Nr. 1, 2000, pp. 65-78

Working papers
“Der Pfad in die Abhängigkeit? Reichweite und Grenzen institutionalistischer Beiträge in der Tranformationsdebatte“, WZB-discussion paper FSI 99– 103.

„Dienstleister in multinationalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken Europas. Überlegungen zum Forschungsfeld Transnationale Organisation in Europa“, (together with Dieter Plehwe) in: Dieter Plehwe (Hg.): Transformation der Logistik. WZB-discussion paper FS I 98 - 103, 1998, pp. 41-71

“Zwischen lokaler Anarchie und globalen Netzen: Transformationsprozesse im polnischen Straßengüterverkehr“, WZB-discussion paper FS I 97-102, 1997

“Governance im Spätsozialismus. Die Herausbildung hybrider Koordinationsformen und informeller Vernetzungen in Ungarn und Polen in den achtziger Jahren“, WZB-discussion paper FS I 96-102, 1996

“EG-Integration und Frauenforschung in Deutschland. Eine kommentierte Literaturübersicht“, FEG-Arbeitspapier Nr. 13, September 1994

Language Skills
German  native speaker
French, English fluent
Polish, Spanish good listening and reading comprehension
