Elena Brountseva - about

Elena V. Bruntseva
St.Petersburg Institute of Law
34 Maly Prospect V.O.
St.Petersburg, Russia 199178
Tel. (812) 323-7823
Fax (812) 318-7144
E-mail: 70372.2541@compuserve.com
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  • YALE LAW SCHOOL, LL.M., 1997
  • J.D., 1987 (Diploma with Honors)

    1999INTERNATIONAL POLICY FELLOW, Foundation Open Society Institute
    1992-1999COMPOZITOR PUBLISHING HOUSE (SPb), St.Petersburg, Russia
    Chief counsel
    Work involves copyright and general business law issues.
    1993-1996SOLO PRACTITIONER, St.Petersburg, Russia
    Consulted clients, conducted trials and negotiations, drafted documents within the scope of copyright law and general business law. Represented numerous Russian, foreign and international not-for-profit and religious organizations.
    1991-1992THE GUILD OF RUSSIAN MUSICMAKERS, St.Petersburg, Russia
    In-house counsel
    Work involved copyright issues and general business law.
    1988-1991YURIDICHESKIYE USLUGY, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
    Law firm, Founder and partner


    1993-1999ST. PETERSBURG INSTITUTE OF LAW, St.Petersburg, Russia
    Courses: Civil Law (General & Special Parts), International Commercial Arbitration, Lawyering, Contracts Drafting and Negotiations, Introduction to Legal Profession and Legal Professional Education.
    1994-1998ST. PETERSBURG JURIDICAL INSTITUTE, St.Petersburg, Russia
    Courses: Civil Law (General & Special Parts), International Commercial Arbitration
    1988-1991THE KAZAKH STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
    Assistant Professor, Civil Law Department
    Courses: Civil Law (General & Special Parts), Business Law, Contracts, Torts, Housing Law, Family Law, Copyright.


  • "International Commercial Arbitration" (Publication in Russia and in Kazakhstan expected in 2000).
  • "Intellectual Property in Radio and TV," Moscow, 1998 (co-author with Eduard Gavrilov and Peter Krug).
  • "An American Licensing Agreement from the Russian Lawyer's Point of View." - "Post-Soviet Media Law and Policy," 1997, #7.
  • "New Laws and Regulations for Noncommercial Organizations in Russia" Publication of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Washington, DC, 1996.
  • "Contracts in Practice of US Publishers."- "Peterbook," 1996, #6.
  • "Contracts in Practice of British Publishers."- "Peterbook," 1996, #11.
  • "The Legislation on the Small Enterprises in Russia and its North-West Region,"- "Codex-Info," 1995, #44, 45
  • "The History of the Soviet Joint-Stock Companies (1920-s)."- "Proceedings of the Academy of Science of Kazakhstan," 1991, #2.
  • "The Legal Status of Small Enterprises," Alma-Ata, 1990.
  • "Writing the Perfect Contracts," Alma-Ata, 1990.

    1995 Recipient of the American Bar Association/CEELI Award for law professors from CIS(exchange program).
    Student and Scientific-Technical Progress Olympiads (Legal Sciences)
    1986 The First Prize in general competition, the Republic Round (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
    1986 The Third Prize in general competition, the All-Soviet Union Round (Riga, Latvia).
    The First Prize in the Constitutional Law Section.
    The Second Prize in the Civil Law Section.
    The First Prize in the Crime Detection Section.
    1985 The Second Prize in general competition, the Republic Round (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
    1985 The Second Prize in the Civil Law Section, the All-Soviet Union Round (Sverdlovsk, Russia).
    The Student Scientific Works Competition
    1986 "The Political Ideas of Simon Bolivar," the First Prize, the Republic Round (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).


    1996-INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT LAW, Washington, D.C. present Member of the Board of Directors

    Elena Brountseva (70372.2541@compuserve.com)

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