Project report for March – August 2003

The first three months of the project were dedicated to the collection of the necessary information and the establishment of working contacts. According to the project schedule I conducted the survey among journalists, representatives of NGOs and medical institutions, involved in the anti-smoking advocacy or able to be engaged in this activity. The survey included 35 journalists who write about health and health policy, 15 NGOs working in the sphere of health and environment and 5 medical institutions responsible for the health information communication such as the National Center for Preventive Medicine, the Narcological Clinic, Oncological and Cardiocenters, Medical University. The questionnaire was rather small and was aimed at evaluating the knowledge about the national tobacco policy, the attitude to this policy, the knowledge about the Framework convention as currently the most important international tobacco control agreement, and the intention/willingness and possibilities of collaboration in the sphere of anti-smoking informational advocacy in the country.

The analysis of the questionnaire demonstrated that on the one hand, there is a group of people who believe that the society should take measures to improve the tobacco control situation in the country. On the other hand, the same group of people believes that the society is hardy able to take over the tobacco mafia and achieve significant changes in the tobacco control policy in the nearest future. The fact that such public apathy and nihilism of journalists towards any initiatives of the government (which was even noticed by the representatives of the Europarliament who visited Moldova in the beginning of the current local government elections period) is characteristic for the contemporary Moldovan society is a poor consolation. Yet, it seems to me, that this double-mindness and pessimism only prove the necessity to conduct a research in this area and take measures to change the public attitude to the tobacco epidemics, moreover that the majority of the interviewees agreed to collaborate. The materials of this survey were used for the chapter “Public opinion of Moldovans about tobacco and governmental policy”.

I conducted a comparative analysis of the Law on tobacco and tobacco products adopted on July, 2001, the amendments to this law of September 2002 and the program of the development of tobacco industry adopted at the end of 2002. I also prepared a selection of the documentation related to the production and sale of tobacco products. Unfortunately, due to the local elections that took place in the period of April-June, it was impossible to get a copy of the draft law which bans smoking in public places and which was turned down as a result of the protest from the Ministry of Agriculture as well as any update about the development of the situation. Any information about the future of this draft was also unavailable since the Minister of Justice who supported this draft was fired and the employees of the department of the Ministry of Justice who participated in the design of the draft refused to discuss the subject. They explained the refusal by an order of the new minister. One of the project authors even considered refused to participate in the Bucharest conference on building coalition on tobacco control considering her participation useless and impossible. I had to ask the press secretary of the prime minister to help me to receive the information about the project and read it. I could do this only on 27 August. This delayed my work on the chapter “Moldovan legislation on tobacco control: yesterday, today and tomorrow”.

The project schedule envisioned organization of various actions in order to ensure practical applicability of the project. These actions were supposed to enliven the tobacco control discussion in the press and society and vivify the activity of those NGOs who could participate in the anti-tobacco advocacy among population. Thus, we organized two seminars for NGOs in the distant areas of the country (the League of students, Balti, and association Terra, village Vornicheni).These NGOs have previously expressed the interest to such seminars. The seminar subjects included the Framework Convention, the necessity of this international agreement and national programs, as well as potential participation of NGOs in the anti-tobacco advocacy at different levels (see information)
Informational materials, FAQs about the Convention, “educational” campaigns of tobacco producers, etc were prepared for the seminars. Similar materials were distributed among journalists after the completion of INB-5. These materials were used in the preparation of the articles about the FCTC and upcoming World Health Assembly (see: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Among other activities completed during this period are:

1) the traditional contest of essays and drawings “Let’s grow up without tobacco” targeted at children and youth,
2) publication of the album of the best submissions,
3) publication of three posters to be distributed among schools and medical institutions,
4) the celebration party for the contest winners with the participation of the vice minister of health Dr. Bahnarel, vice president of the state broadcasting company of Moldova Mr. Teleshku, and Sabine Koch, team leader of the project Health promotion and diseases prevention sponsored by the EU,
5) press conference organized in collaboration with the MoH and Narcologic Clinic. This event was dedicated to the coming WNTD
6) finally, I participated in three radio programs disseminating the information about the Framework convention and its potential influence on the tobacco control policy of Moldova.

The monitoring of publications about tobacco in the Moldovan press was done on a regular basis. The materials of the monitoring were used in the preparation of the stakeholders’ analysis.

Unfortunately, the portal which was supposed to host the first Moldovan anti-tobacco site, has been in the transitional stage from the beginning of this year (changing the management affiliation from the Soros Foundation to the Ministry of Health. The delayed launching of the website featuring media publications and other subject related materials.

The biggest part of June and July was allocated for the collection of data for the chapter
“Foreign tobacco producers in the fight for the Moldovan market”. I had several consultations with representatives of the Customs authorities and Mr. Salogub, head of the marketing and information section of the Department of tobacco industry. By the request of Dr Anna Gilmore (European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition) I researched the question of privatization of the Moldovan tobacco industry and prepared reports on recent promotional actions of BAT in Moldova. I co-authored the article «Pushing up smoking incidence: a review of transnational tobacco company plans for a privatized tobacco industry in Moldova», and then translated the article into Russian for the publication in the Russian speaking media.

I participated in the March and June seminars in Budapest where I learned the difference between research paper and policy paper and decided to restructure my work and the organization of policy analysis. In the end of April I participated in the Open Society Institute Conference on Building Coalitions for Tobacco Control (Bucharest). In August I attended the 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (Helsinki), where I presented two case studies (“Art Contest as a Method of Encouraging Negative Attitudes Towards Smoking Among Children and Adolescents: The Experience of Moldova” and “Confronting Tobacco Companies Promotional Actions: Moldovan Mass Media Against British American Tobacco Youth Campaign”). By the request of
Anna White (Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control Essential Action) I prepared a visual presentation of the advertising activity of BAT and other importers of tobacco products in Moldova. Both posters prepared for this event were awarded the title “the best poster of the day”.

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