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Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan

The following text is the English translation of the Constitution of Tajikistan adopted by the government of Tajikistan on November 06, 1994


"Text of Tajik Constitution" Originally published in Russian. 30 Nov 1994 Leninabadskaya Pravda (Khudzhand, Tajikistan) FBIS-SOV-94-243

The following text is not copyrighted and may be distributed freely

Preamble: We, the people of Tajikistan, as an inseparable part of the world community; seeing ourselves responsible and duty bound to past, present, and future generations; wishing to ensure the sovereignty, development, and perfection of our state; recognizing the rights and freedoms of the individual as sacred; affirming the equality of rights and friendship of all nationalities and peoples of Tajikistan; seeking to built a just society; adopt and declare as valid this constitution.

Chapter One: Fundamentals of the Constitutional Structure

Article 1. The Republic of Tajikistan is a sovereign, democratic, law-governed, secular, and unitary state. Tajikistan is a social state; its policy is aimed at providing relevant living conditions for everybody. The names Republic of Tajikistan and Tajikistan are of equal validity.

Article 2. The state language of Tajikistan is Tajik. Russian is a language of communication between the nationalities. All nationalities and peoples living on the territory of the republic are entitled freely to use their mother tongue.

Article 3. The state symbols of the Republic of Tajikistan are the flag, emblem, and national anthem.

Article 4. The capital of Tajikistan is the city of Dushanbe.

Article 5. The life, honor, dignity, and other rights of the individual are sacred. Recognition, observance, and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is the obligation of the state.

Article 6. In Tajikistan the people are the expression of sovereignty and the sole source of power of the state, and they exercise them directly or through their representatives. The citizens of Tajikistan, despite their nationalities, make up the people of Tajikistan. No social association, group of people, or individual has the right to seize state power. The seizure of power is the gravest crime. Only the president and the Supreme Assembly [Majlis-e Oli] has the right to speak on behalf of all the people of Tajikistan.

Article 7. The territory of Tajikistan is indivisible and inviolable. Tajikistan consists of Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, oblasts, towns, rayons, settlements, and villages. The state ensures the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the republic. Agitation and actions aimed at disunity of the state are prohibited. The constitutional law defines the procedure of establishing and changing of administrative and border units.

Article 8. In Tajikistan public life is to develop on the basis of political and ideological diversity. No ideology, including religious ideology, is granted the status of state ideology. Social associations are established and will function within the framework of the constitution and laws. The state provides equal opportunities for their activities. Religious organizations are separate from the state and cannot interfere with state affairs. The establishment and functioning of social associations that encourage racism, nationalism, social and religious enmity, and hatred, as well as advocate the forcible overthrow of the constitutional structures and the formation of armed groups is prohibited.

Article 9. State power is exercised on the basis of the separation of legislative, executive, and judicial powers.

Article 10. The Constitution of Tajikistan has supreme legal authority and its norms have direct application. Laws and other legal acts that run counter to the constitution are of no legal validity. The state and all its bodies, officials, citizens, and their associations are duty bound to observe and implement the constitution and laws of the republic. International legal documents recognized by Tajikistan are a constituent part of the legal system of the republic. If republican laws do not conform to the recognized international legal documents, the norms of the international documents apply. International laws and documents recognized by Tajikistan apply following official publication.

Article 11. Tajikistan will implement a peaceful policy, respecting the sovereignty and independence of other states of the world and will determine foreign relations on the basis of international norms. Agitation of war is prohibited. Proceeding from the supreme interests of the people, Tajikistan can join or withdraw from international associations and organizations and establish relations with foreign countries. The state will cooperate with compatriots living abroad.

Article 12. The economy of Tajikistan is based on various forms of ownership. The state will guarantee freedom of economic activity, entrepreneurship, equality of rights, and the protection of all forms of ownership including private ownership.

Article 13. Land, bowels of the earth, water, airspace, animal and vegetable kingdoms, and other natural resources are owned by the state, and the state guarantees their effective use in the interests of the people.

Chapter Two: Basic Duties of Individuals and Citizens

Article 14. The freedoms and rights of individuals and citizens are protected by the constitution, the laws of the republic, and international documents recognized by Tajikistan. In implementing rights and freedoms, limitations in the constitution and laws are allowed only to ensure the rights and freedoms of others, public order, and to safeguard the constitutional structure and the territorial integrity of the republic.

Article 15. A person will be regarded as a citizen of Tajikistan if he is a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan on the day of adoption of the constitution. Any connection between the citizenship of Tajikistan and the citizenship of another state is not recognized, except in cases indicated by the law and interstate treaties of Tajikistan. The procedure for acquiring and forfeiting citizenship is defined by law.

Article 16. A citizen of Tajikistan outside the country will be protected by the state. No citizen of the republic will be extradited to a foreign state. Extradition of a criminal to a foreign state will be resolved on the basis of mutual agreement. Foreign citizens and stateless persons enjoy the rights and freedoms and have the responsibilities and duties of citizens of Tajikistan except in cases stipulated by law. Tajikistan will offer political asylum to foreign citizens whose human rights are violated.

Article 17. All are equal before the law and the courts. The state guarantees the rights and freedoms of every person regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, religious beliefs, political persuasion, social status, knowledge, and property. Men and women have the same rights.

Article 18. Every person has the right to life. No one can be deprived of life except by order of the court for the gravest crime. The state guarantees the inviolability of a person. No one will be subjected to torture, punishment, and inhuman treatment. It is prohibited to subject a person to forced medical or scientific experiments.

Article 19. Every person is guaranteed judicial protection. Every person is entitled to demand that his case be considered by a competent and impartial court. No one can be arrested, kept in custody, and exiled without a legal basis. Every person is entitled to legal assistance from the moment of his arrest.

Article 20. No one is adjudged guilty of a crime except by the sentence of a court in accordance with the law. No one carries responsibility if the term of investigation expires or his committed action is not regarded as a crime. No one can be tried twice for a crime. A law that is adopted after the commission of an illegal act by a person and that envisages severe punishment for that act shall not be retroactive. If, after the commission of an illegal act a punishment is not envisaged or a light punishment is envisaged, the new law is applicable. Total confiscation of the property of a convicted person is prohibited.

Article 21. The law shall safeguard the rights of the victim. The state guarantees judicial protection and compensation to the victim.

Article 22. The home of a person is inviolable. It is prohibited to enter the home of a person by force and deprive a person of a home except in cases prescribed by law.

Article 23. Privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, and the postal and communication rights of each person are ensured, except in cases prescribed by law. The collection, storage, utilization, and dissemination of information about a person's private life without his consent is not permitted.

Article 24. Every citizen has the right freely to choose their place of residence, to leave the republic, and to return to it.

Article 25. State bodies, social associations, and officials are obliged to ensure that every person has the opportunity to seek and see documents affecting their rights and interests except in cases prescribed the by law.

Article 26. Every person has the right freely to determine their position toward religion, to profess any religion individually or together with others or not to profess any, and to take part in religious customs and ceremonies.

Article 27. Every citizen has the right to take part in political life and state administration directly or via their representatives. Citizens have equal rights to state service. Every citizen has the right to elect and be elected from the age of 18. Citizens deemed incompetent by a court or who have been deprived of liberty in accordance with a court sentence do not have the right to take part in the elections and referendums. Elections and referendums are held on the basis of universal, equal, and direct suffrage in a secret ballot.

Article 28. Every person has the right to be united. A person has the right to join in voluntarily and leave political parties, trade unions, and other social associations.

Article 29. Citizens have the right to take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, and peaceful processions prescribed by law. No one can be forced to take part in the aforementioned activities.

Article 30. Every person is guaranteed freedom of speech, publishing, and the right to use means of mass information. State censorship and prosecution for criticism is prohibited. The list of information constituting a state secret is specified by law.

Article 31. A citizen has the right to apply personally or together with a group of people to the authorities.

Article 32. Every person has the right to ownership and inheritance. No one is permitted to suspend and limit the individual's right to ownership. The property of an individual is taken away only on the basis of the law, with the consent of the owner and to meet the requirements of the state and society, and with the state paying full compensation. Any material and spiritual damage inflicted on an individual as a result of illegal actions by state bodies, social associations, or individuals will be compensated in accordance with the law.

Article 33. The state protects the family as the basis of society. Every person has the right to form a family. Men and women who have reached the age of marriage have the right freely to marry without any hindrance. In marriage and in divorce, husband and wife have equal rights. Polygamy is prohibited.

Article 34. A mother and child are entitled to special care and protection by the state. Parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and adult children of working age are responsible for care and provision of parents. The state cares for the protection, upbringing, and education of orphaned children.

Article 35. Every person has the right to work, to choose their profession or job, and to have work protection. Wages for work cannot be less than the minimum wage. Any limitation is prohibited in labor relations. Equal wages shall be paid for the same work. Forced labor is not permitted, except in cases defined by law. Using women and child labor is prohibited in heavy and underground works and in harmful conditions.

Article 36. Every person has the right to housing. This right is ensured by means of construction of state, public, cooperative and private housing.

Article 37. Every person has the right to leisure. This right is ensured by establishing working weeks, hours and days, paid annual leaves, weekly days off, and other conditions prescribed by law.

Article 38. Every person has the right to health care. This right is ensured by providing free medical assistance in state medical establishments and by measures aimed at protecting environment, developing mass sport, physical training, and tourism. Other types of medical assistance one can receive are defined by law.

Article 39. Every person is guaranteed social security in old age, in the event of sickness and disability, loss of ability to work, or loss of a guardian or other instances prescribed by law.

Article 40. Every person has the right freely to take part in the cultural life of society; artistic, scientific, and technical creation; and to use their achievements. The state protects cultural and spiritual riches. Intellectual property is protected by law.

Article 41. Every person has the right to education. The basic general education is compulsory. The state guarantees access to free general, vocational, and according to abilities based on competition, general specialized and higher education in the state educational establishments. Other forms of acquiring education are defined by law.

Article 42. On the territory of Tajikistan every person is obliged to observe the constitution and the laws and to recognize the rights, freedoms, dignity, and honor of others. Ignorance of the law is no defense.

Article 43. The protection of the homeland; safeguarding the interests of the state; and strengthening the independence, security, and defense capabilities of the homeland are the sacred duties of citizens. The procedure for military service is specified by law.

Article 44. The protection of natural, historical, and cultural heritage are the duties of every person.

Article 45. Every person is obliged to pay taxes and duties specified by law. Laws introducing new taxes or making the economic situation of the taxpayer difficult cannot retroactive.

Article 46. A state of emergency is declared as a temporary measure to ensure the citizens' and state's security in instances of direct threat to the rights and freedom of citizens, the state's independence, its territorial integrity, and natural disasters, that result in the republic's constitutional authorities being unable to act normally. The period of a state of emergency is up to three months. The president of Tajikistan can prolong this period in necessary circumstances.

Article 47. During a state of emergency the rights and freedoms stipulated in Articles 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, and 28 of the constitution are not limited. The Supreme Assembly is not dispersed during the period of a state of emergency. The law determines the legal regime of a state of emergency.

Chapter Three: The Supreme Assembly [Majlis-e Oli]

Article 48. The Supreme Assembly is the highest representative and legislative body of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Supreme Assembly is elected for a five-year term. A citizen can be elected to the Supreme Assembly when he reaches the age of 25. The establishment and activity of the Supreme Assembly are specified by law.

Article 49. The powers of the Supreme Assembly: 1. The enactment and amending of laws and orders and their annulment; 2. Interpretation of the constitution and laws; 3. Determination of the basic directions of the republic's domestic and foreign policy; 4. Establishment of the Central Electoral and Referendum Commission; 5. Specifying the date for a referendum; 6. Suggesting draft laws and other important issues of the state and society for a nationwide referendum; 7. Specifying the date for election of the president; 8. Specifying the date for election of higher and local representative bodies; 9. Approving the establishment and abolition of ministries and state committees; 10. Ratification of the decrees of the president on appointment and dismissal of the prime minister and other members of the government; 11. Ratification of the decrees of the president on appointment and dismissal of the chairman of the National Bank and his deputies; 12. Election and removal of the chairman, deputy chairmen, and judges of the Constitutional Court; the Supreme Court; and the Supreme Economic Court at the proposal of the president of the republic; 13. Approving the election and removal of the procurator general and his deputies; 14. Ratification of socioeconomic programs and approval of economic assistance to other states; 15. Ratification of the state budget; determination of the possible amount of the state budget deficit and the sources of compensation for it; supervision over execution of the budget, determination of taxation and loan policy; 16. Specifying the monetary system; 17. Specifying the structure, establishing, abolishing, and changing administrative territorial units in necessary circumstances; 18. Ratification and annulment of international treaties; 19. Establishment of courts; 20. Ratification of the decrees of the president on a state of war and a state of emergency; 21. Establishing state awards; 22. Establishing military and diplomatic ranks and other special titles; 23. Approval of state symbols; 24. Declaration of general amnesty; 25. Annulment of the decrees of the presidium of the Supreme Assembly contradicting the constitution and other laws; 26. Implementation of other duties prescribed by the constitution and laws.

Article 50. The basic form of the activity of the Supreme Assembly is the session. A session of the Supreme Assembly is convened by the presidium of the Supreme Assembly not less twice a year. A session of the Supreme Assembly convenes only when attended by at least two-thirds of the people's deputies. The first session of the Supreme Assembly is convened by the Central Electoral and Referendum Commission one month after the election of people's deputies.

Article 51. For the purpose of organizing the work of the Supreme Assembly and the implementation of the powers stipulated by the constitution and the laws, the Presidium of the Supreme Assembly under the leadership of the Supreme Assembly chairman will be established. The composition of the Presidium of the Supreme Assembly includes the Supreme Assembly chairman, first deputy chairman, deputy chairmen, and chairmen of the committees and standing commissions of the Supreme Assembly. The Supreme Assembly can elect other people's deputies as members of the Presidium of the Supreme Assembly.

Article 52. The Presidium of the Supreme Assembly has authority: 1. To convene of the Supreme Assembly; 2. To prepare for sessions of the Supreme Assembly; 3. To coordinate the work of the committees and standing commissions of the Supreme Assembly; 4. To organize interparliamentary relations; 5. To oversee the activities of the publications of the Supreme Assembly and to appoint and dismiss editors-in-chief of the publications; 6. To approve the appointment or recall of the heads of diplomatic missions of Tajikistan in foreign countries and republican missions at international organizations; 7. To implement other powers stipulated in the constitution and other laws. The Presidium of the Supreme Assembly adopts decisions within the framework of its authority.

Article 53. The Supreme Assembly elects from among the people's deputies the chairman of the Supreme Assembly, first deputy chairman, deputy chairmen, and chairmen of the committees and standing commissions of the Supreme Assembly. One of the deputy chairmen of the Supreme Assembly will be a people's deputy representing Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast. The chairman of the Supreme Assembly will be elected by a secret ballot by a majority of the total number of people's deputies.

Article 54. The chairman of the Supreme Assembly has authority: 1. To exercise leadership and direction over issues that will be discussed at the sessions; 2. To preside at the sessions of the Supreme Assembly and meetings of its Presidium; 3. To nominate the first deputy chairman, deputy chairmen, and chairmen of the committees and standing commissions of the Supreme Assembly; 4. To sign the decisions of the Supreme Assembly and of its Presidium; 5. To represent the Supreme Assembly inside the country and abroad; 6. To sign interparliamentary agreements; 7. To direct the apparatus of the Supreme Assembly and to give orders; 8. To implement other powers stipulated in the constitution and laws.

Article 55. The first deputy chairman and deputy chairmen of the Supreme Assembly will carry out the duties of the chairman at the latter's instructions. In the absence of the chairman, the first deputy chairman carries out his duties.

Article 56. The Supreme Assembly will elect from among the people's deputies committees and standing commissions to prepare draft laws and to implement supervisory duties and preliminary preparation and discussion of the issues. The Supreme Assembly, in the event of necessity, will establish auditing and investigation commissions and other temporary commissions.

Article 57. An official is obliged to provide a people's deputy with information he needs to carry out his duties except in cases stipulated by law. A people's deputy can express his opinion freely and vote according to his belief.

Article 58. A people's deputy who is working for the Supreme Assembly on a permanent basis cannot hold any other post, except for scientific and creative activities, and cannot engage in entrepreneurial activity. Citizens of Tajikistan cannot hold two posts in the representative authority at the same time.

Article 59. A people's deputy has the right of immunity. He cannot be taken into custody, arrested, or incur a court-imposed penalty without the sanction of the Supreme Assembly. A people's deputy cannot be arrested without the sanction of the Supreme Assembly with the exception of arrest while committing a crime. The authority of a people's deputy will terminate at his resignation or when he is proclaimed incapable by a court or by a valid decision of the Supreme Assembly. The legal status of a people's deputy is defined by law.

Article 60. People's deputies, the president, government, constitutional court, Supreme Court, Supreme Economic Court, and the Assembly of People's Deputies of Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast have the right to legislate.

Article 61. The law of Tajikistan and the decision of the Supreme Assembly are adopted by the majority vote of the total number of people's deputies. Laws will be adopted by at least two-thirds of the total number of people's deputies.

Article 62. A law of Tajikistan is proposed to the president for signing. If the president does not agree with the law he should return it within 15 days to the Supreme Assembly with reasons and objections. If the Supreme Assembly once again approves the law with at least two-thirds majority of people's deputies, the president will sign it. If the president does not return the law within the prescribed period, he is duty bound to sign it.

Article 63. The Supreme Assembly can be voluntarily suspended before its term ends with at least two-thirds of the vote of people's deputies. In any case the authority of the people's deputies of Tajikistan terminates on the first day of the session of the new Supreme Assembly.

Chapter Four: The President

Article 64. The president of the Republic of Tajikistan is the head of state and executive authority. The president is the protector of the constitution, laws, and rights and freedoms of the citizens; the guarantor of national independence, unity, territorial integrity, stability, and continuity of the state; and the ensurer of the functioning of the bodies of state power and Tajikistan's observance of international treaties.

Article 65. The president is elected by the citizens of Tajikistan on the basis of universal, direct, and equal suffrage in a secret ballot for a five-year term. Any citizen aged between 35 and 65 who knows the state language and has lived on the territory of Tajikistan at least for the past 10 years can be nominated to the post of president of the republic. Only a person whose nomination is signed by at least five percent of the electorate shall be eligible for candidacy to the post of president. A person may not be elected to the office of president for more than two consecutive terms.

Article 66. The election of the president is deemed valid if more than half of the electorate take part in it. A candidate who wins votes with more than half of the voters taking part in the elections shall be the president. The procedure for the election of the president is specified by law.

Article 67. The president, before assuming office, takes the following oath in the Supreme Assembly: "I, as president, do solemnly swear to comply with the constitution and the laws of the republic; to guarantee the rights, freedoms, honor, and dignity of the citizens; to protect territorial integrity and political, economic, and cultural independence of Tajikistan; and to sincerely serve the people." The authority of the president terminates with the swearing-in of the new president.

Article 68. The president cannot take up any other job. He cannot serve as a deputy of representative bodies and cannot engage in entrepreneurial activity. The salary of the president is fixed by the Supreme Assembly.

Article 69. The president has authority:
  1. To represent Tajikistan inside the country and in international relations;
  2. To establish or abolish ministries and state committees with the approval of the Supreme Assembly;
  3. To appoint and dismiss the prime minister and other members of the government and to propose them for approval to the Supreme Assembly;
  4. To appoint and dismiss the chairman of the National Bank and his deputies and to propose them for approval to the Supreme Assembly;
  5. To form the executive apparatus of the presidency;
  6. To appoint and dismiss the chairmen of the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, oblasts, city of Dushanbe, towns and rayons, and to propose them for approval to the relevant assemblies of people's deputies.
  7. To nominate the chairman, deputy chairman, and judges of the Constitutional Court; the chairman, deputy chairman, and judges of the Supreme Court; the chairman, deputy chairman, and judges of the Supreme Economic Court; and propose them for appointment and recall to the Supreme Assembly;
  8. To appoint and dismiss the procurator general and his deputies by the consent of the Supreme Assembly;
  9. To appoint and dismiss the judges of the military courts, courts of Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, oblasts, city of Dushanbe, towns, and rayons at the proposal of the justice minister;
  10. To be in charge of the reserve fund and inform the Supreme Assembly about its expenditure;
  11. To make proposals to the Supreme Assembly to determine the monetary system;
  12. To sign laws;
  13. To annul or suspend documents of state administration if they contradict the constitution and laws;
  14. To lead the implementation of foreign policy, sign international treaties, and submit them for approval to the Supreme Assembly;
  15. To appoint with the approval of the Presidium of the Supreme Assembly the heads of diplomatic missions in foreign countries and representatives of the republic in international organizations;
  16. To accept the credentials of foreign diplomatic missions;
  17. To be supreme commander in chief of the armed forces of Tajikistan; to appoint and dismiss commanders of the armed forces of Tajikistan;
  18. In the event of real danger threatening the security of the state to declare a state of war and immediately submit the decree to the Supreme Assembly for approval;
  19. To declare a state of emergency throughout the republic or in separate parts of it and propose it to the Supreme Assembly immediately for approval and to inform the United Nations Organization;
  20. To establish and lead the Security Council;
  21. To offer political asylum;
  22. To resolve the issues of citizenship;
  23. To issue pardon from punishment;
  24. To award higher military, diplomatic, and other special ranks;
  25. To award to citizens state prizes and honorary titles of Tajikistan;
  26. To implement other powers prescribed in the constitution and laws.

Article 70. The president adopts orders and decrees within the framework of his authority, informs the Supreme Assembly about the country's situation, and submits necessary and important issues for discussion to the Supreme Assembly.

Article 71. In the circumstances of the president's death, resignation, removal from office, or inability to perform his duties, the duties of the president will be the responsibility of the chairman of the Supreme Assembly until new presidential elections. In this circumstance, the duties of the Supreme Assembly chairman will be the responsibility of his first deputy. Presidential elections will be held within three months in the aforementioned circumstances. Issues related to inability of the president to perform his duties will be resolved by the majority of people's deputies at the session of the Supreme Assembly, except cases that are stipulated in

Article 72. The president enjoys immunity. In the circumstances of breaking his oath and committing a crime, the president can be removed from his office by the Supreme Assembly, taking into account conclusions of the Constitutional Court and the special commission of the Supreme Assembly with the support of at least two-thirds of the people's deputies. Issues related to the breaking of the presidential oath and commission of a crime should be put forward by at least one-third of people's deputies. In such circumstances the duties of the chairman of the Supreme Assembly's special session are laid upon the chairman of the Supreme Court. The people's deputies take an oath that they will act with a clear conscience and within the framework of the law and justice during the discussion of this issue. The investigation continues after the president is removed from his office; he is accused and his criminal case is sent to court.

Chapter Five: The Government

Article 73. The composition of the government consists of the prime minister, his first deputy, deputies, ministers, and chairmen of state committees. The government ensures the successful leadership of economic, social, and spiritual spheres and the implementation of laws and decrees of the Supreme Assembly and orders and decrees of the president of Tajikistan. The members of the government cannot perform any other duties, be deputies of representative authorities, or engage in entrepreneurship.

Article 74. The government issues orders and decrees in accordance with the constitution and laws of the republic, the implementation of which is compulsory in the territory of Tajikistan. The government leaves office when a new president is elected. The government can ask the president for its resignation if it deems necessary that it cannot function normally. Every member of the government has the right to resign. The law determines the structure, activity, and authority of the government.

Article 75. The government submits to the Supreme Assembly economic and social programs, policies of granting state loan and economic assistance to other countries, draft state budgets, and issues related to an acceptable amount of the state budget deficit and its compensation source.

Chapter Six: Local Government

Article 76. Local government consists of representative and executive authorities and functions within the framework of its authorities. They ensure the implementation of the constitution, laws, and decrees of the Supreme Assembly and the president.

Article 77. The local representative authority in oblasts, towns, and rayons is the assembly of people's deputies, which is chaired by the chairman. The people's deputies of the local assembly are elected for a five-year term. The assembly of people's deputies approves the local budget and reports on its implementation, determines the ways of economic and social development of the area, determines in accordance with the law local taxes and their payments, determines the ways of ruling and possessing communal properties within the framework of the law, and implements other powers prescribed in the constitution and laws.

Article 78. The local executive government is governed by the president's representative chairman of oblast, town, and rayon. The representative and executive authority in administrative and border units is headed by the chairman. The president is to appoint and dismiss chairmen of the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, oblasts, city of Dushanbe, towns, and rayons and to propose them for approval to the relevant assemblies of people's deputies. The chairman is responsible before the higher executive bodies and relevant assembly of people's deputies. The self government authority of a settlement and village is local organization [jamoat]. The law regulates the structure, authorities, and activity of local government.

Article 79. The representative authority and the chairman adopt legal documents within the framework of their authority, the implementation of which is compulsory in that territory. In the case of the documents not conforming to the constitution and law, the documents of the representative authorities and the chairman are revoked by the aforementioned authorities or the court.

Article 80. The Supreme Assembly can dissolve the assembly of people's deputies of the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, oblasts, city of Dushanbe, towns, and rayons and hold new elections if the latter does not fulfill constantly the demands of the constitution and law.

Chapter Seven: The Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast

Article 81. The Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast is an integral and indivisible part of the Republic of Tajikistan. The territory of the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast cannot be changed without the consent of the assembly of people's deputies.

Article 82. The people's deputies of Tajikistan from the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast will be elected in accordance with norms stipulated in the law despite the number of the population.

Article 83. The law regulates the powers of the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast in social, economic, and cultural spheres and other powers of the oblast.

Chapter Eight: The Court

Article 83. The judicial power is independent and protects the rights and freedom of a person, the state's interests, organizations and establishments, legality, and justice.

Article 84. The judicial power is implemented by the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Economic Court, Military Court, Court of Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, courts of oblasts, the city of Dushanbe, towns, and rayons. The law determines the structure and activity of the court. The term of authority of the judges is five years. The creation of emergency courts is not permitted.

Article 85. Citizens who have attained the age of 30 and are o older than 60 and have at least five years' experience in the legal profession may be elected as the judges of the Supreme Court, Supreme Economic Court, Military Court, courts of oblasts, and the city of Dushanbe. Citizens who have attained the age of 25 and are no older than 60 and have at least three years' experience in the legal profession can be elected the judges of towns and rayons.

Article 86. The president appoints and removes from office the judges of the Military Court, courts of Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, oblasts, the city of Dushanbe, towns, and rayons by proposals of the minister of justice.

Article 87. Judges are independent and are subordinate only to the constitution and law. Interference in their activity is not permitted.

Article 88. Judges consider cases collectively or individually. Court proceedings are carried out on the basis of the adversarial system and the equal rights of the parties. The examination of cases in all courts is open except the cases that are stipulated in law. Court proceedings take place in the official language or the language of the majority of the population of the place. Those people who do not know the language of the court proceedings are provided with translators.

Article 89. The Constitutional Court consists of seven judges, one of whom is a representative of the Gornyy Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast. Citizens who have attained the age of 30 and are no older than 60 and who have 10 years' experience in the legal profession may be judges of the Constitutional Court. The powers of the Constitutional Court are: 1. To determine the conformity of laws and legal documents of the Supreme Assembly, the president, government, Supreme Court, Supreme Economic Court, and other state and social authorities, as well as agreements that have not entered into force in Tajikistan. 2. To resolve disputes between the state power on their authority; 3. To implement other duties stipulated by law. A decision of the Constitutional Court is final.

Article 90. Judges cannot perform other duties; be deputies of representative authorities, members of political parties and organizations; or engage in entrepreneurship except scientific, teaching, and creative work.

Article 91. Judges enjoy immunity. A judge may not be subjected to arrest and criminal proceedings without the permission of that authority that has elected him. A judge may not be arrested except while committing a crime.

Article 92. Legal assistance is recognized in all stages of court proceedings. The law regulates the structure, ways of legal profession, and other types of legal assistance.

Chapter Nine: The Procurator's Office

Article 93. The procurator general and procurators who are subordinate to him ensure the thorough control and observance of laws within the framework of their authority in the territory of Tajikistan.

Article 94. The procurator general heads a single centralized system of the Procurator's Office of Tajikistan. The procurator general is responsible to the Supreme Assembly and the president.

Article 95. The procurator general of Tajikistan is elected for a five-year term. The procurator general appoints and removes from office those procurators who are subordinate to him. The term of authority of procurators is five years. The law regulates the activity, authority, and structure of the Procurator's Office.

Article 96. The procurator general and procurators who are subordinate to him function independently without interference from state bodies and officials; they are only subordinate to law.

Article 97. The procurator may not perform other duties, be a member of political parties and organizations, or engage in entrepreneurship except scientific, teaching, and creative work.

Chapter Ten. Procedure for Introducing Amendments to the Constitution

Article 98. Amendments and addenda to the constitution take place by means of a referendum. A referendum takes place with the support of two-thirds of the people's deputies. The procedure for a referendum is determined by law.

Article 99. The president or at least one-third of people's deputies of Tajikistan submit addenda and amendments to the constitution. Proposals related to addenda and amendments to the constitution are published in the press three months before the referendum.

Article 100. The form of public administration; the territorial integrity; and the democratic, law-governed, and secular nature of the state are irrevocable.

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