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The heart given to serve people

On 5 May 1992 in front of the building of Majlisi Oli (Parliament) a stray bullet wounded the heart of Murodullo Sheralizoda, a bright journalist, editor-in-chief of the newspaper " Sadoi Mardum" ("Voice of the people"). The professional journalists' holiday became the mourning day. That day people's hearts were full of sadness, tears were on faces.

Afterwards the General Prosecutor's Office had opened a criminal case. According to some unofficial sources the murderers have been found. However, nobody had been convicted yet and the case had been forgotten. We do encourage the Prosecutor's Office to review the case and convict those responsible for the murder.

The freedom of expression and press

Freedom of expression and press is to hold opinions without any interference. It is to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice. (Article 19 of the ICCPR) Freedom of Expression is an open dialogue and free non-discriminative view of the people, world. Freedom of expression among journalists means to keep the journalists' ethics, to know about responsibilities towards the other people and to protect public moral.

Jailed writers

On 9.01.99 the policemen of the Vose district Department of Interior Affairs started in pursuit of two journalists Abdufattoh Vohidov and Saifiddin Dostiyev. The same day the police captain Holmurodov tried to force two journalists to bring them to Vose district but did not succeed. The ‘guilt' of two former editors-in-chief was in that they published a critical article two years ago in the newspapers "Istiklol" and "Samar". The article "The quarrel of two heads" contained critical information about the Head of Vose district Kurbon Mirzoaliyev. On 29.01.99 three policemen came to the Printing House "Sharki Ozod" and have forced two former editors-in-chief into the car. They had permissions from the Head of Vose district Prosecutor's Office S. Shamsov and Deputy-Prosecutor M. Mahmudov. The journalists were taken to Vose district Prosecutor's Office to witness in the criminal case against three authors of the article "The quarrel of two Heads", U. Faizulloyev, H. Sodikov and A. Abdulloyev. However the authors of the article who had already been amnestied once (9 September 1998) have been again convicted for two years of imprisonment on the basis of the Article 135(2) of the Penal Code ("defamation in mass media outlet"). The Head of Vose Khukumat K. Mirzoaliyev after ‘demonstrating them their power and strength', let them go. There were also protests sent by "Glasnost" and efforts made by Internews and OSCE to negotiate the problem which helped to free the editors-in-chief. However, the authors of the article have been imprisoned and are now in the colony of the city of Kulyab. "Difo" protests against such decision of the Vose Prosecutor's office and demands the review of the case.

Victims of free speech

Olimi Zarobek

He was one of the most intelligent and truthful journalists. He was the victim of the terror on 24 May 1992.

Filolisho Hilvatsho (5 October 1959 – 16 December 1992)

This year he would be 40 years old.

Otahon Latifi (1936- 22 September 1998)

In the morning of 22 September 1998 one of the best journalists, famous publicist and the active supporter of the idea of national unity Otahon Latifi has been killed by four bullets into the back by unknown men. The murderers have not been found yet.

Mirhaim Gavrielov (25 August 1927-9 June 1998)

In the evening of 9 June 1998 at about 9.00-9.30 pm unknown men have broken into the house of 71 years old editor-in-chief of the magazine "Donish" M. Gavrielov and has strangled him to the death. The medical document confirming that has been given by the doctor Egamberdiyev. There were several versions of the motives as the wife of the victim could kill him, or there was a suicide. However, neither of the versions had enough information to be proven.

Who are those four?

"Difo" asks relatives, friends and those who knew four missing journalists Tohir Malik, Tohir Olim, Kurbon Tago and Komili Azim to inform Muhtor Bokizoda on the address: 16 Saadi Sherozi Ave, Dushanbe, or to call: 36-98-06.

NGO "Difo"

"Difo" is the Foundation of Memory and Defence of Journalists' Rights in Tajikistan. It has been established at the end of 1997 by the group of initiative journalists and registered at the Ministry of Justice of the RT on 24 April 1998. "Difo" is a non-for-profit organisation. "Difo" exists for the membership fees, individual contributions of citizens, sponsorship assistance. There are 210 members of the Foundation nation-wide in Tajikistan. The organisation consists of the Chief of the Foundation, Muhtor Boki-zoda; Executive Director; Consultative Council of 16 persons (including journalists, lawyers, activists); and Presidium of the Foundation of 5 persons.

"Difo" has been created as a response to the brutality of civil war and post war period, when more than 60 journalists were killed in Tajikistan. The main goals of the organisation are:

  1. Monitoring of the freedom of press and speech in Tajikistan
  2. Defence of journalists being under the risk
  3. Providing information about such journalists
  4. Publicising the findings of collected materials
  5. Monitoring of the current journalists' practice
  6. Support of the independence of thought among journalists

To fulfil the goals "Difo" plans to undertake the following activities:



Attacks on the journalists and press, 1998-1999


February 15 Two policemen have caught radio-journalist Jamoliddin Yokubov and forced him to come to the police station. They have beaten him and demanded 5000 tajik roubles to free him "without protocol".

June 8 Meirkhaim Gavrielov, editor-in-chief of "Donish", was brutally killed at his house. A 70 years old man had been beaten and strangled.

September 22 In the morning one of the best journalists, famous publicist and the active supporter of the idea of Tajik national unity Otahon Latifi has been killed by four bullets into the back by unknown men. The murderers have not been found yet.

October 2 Three unknown men have broken into the house of Maksudjon Husein. They have threatened his wife and told her to warn her husband not to interfere into the people business. They have also taken US$200 from his house.

November 4-9 Sanjar Hamidov, ORT (Public Russian TV) had been seriously wounded while working in Leninabad (Khujand).

December Editor of the weekly "Tirozi jahon" in Khujand Abdulmajid Bobojoniyon has been fired because of the critical articles as "Why trolleybuses do not run until late?" with the help of the Head of Khukumat of the city of Khujand A.H. Komilov.

The weekly "Kamol" has been refused to print after it had become known that its editor-in-chief is A. Bobojoniyon.


January 7 6 unknown men in the car without numbers came to the house of the journalist of the weekly "Avicenna" Shavkat Kodirov and asked about him. Being frightened the journalist escaped to the house of his relatives.

January 25-29 Two years later after publishing the article "The quarrel of two Heads" criticising the Head of Vose Khukumat (municipality) Mirzoaliyev K. three authors of the article U. Faizulloyev, H. Sodikov and A. Abdulloyev were convicted to two years of prison according to the Article 135(2) of the Penal Code for the libel in mass media. There is very little evidence in the article that can support such conviction.

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