Project on Security Sector Reform in South East Europe

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Interim Activity Report
July 2002

by: Islam Yusufi
International Policy Fellow 2002-2003

Activities Undertaken in the First Term: January 2002 - June 2002

January 2002

· Outlined structure of field research
· Devised questionnaires for information sought
· Identified prospective interviewees
· Made first contacts with mentors.

February 2002

· Undertook a research on the topic at the Jackson School of International Studies in University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

March 2002

· Attended the first IPF training seminar in Budapest. Meeting with mentors of the project. Design of the website of the project
· Became part of the Security Sector Reform task force of the Macedonian Government. The Task Force was obliged to work on the problems that Macedonian security sector face. It was part of the Macedonian Annual National Program as a preparation for the membership in NATO.

April 2002

· Established contact with prospective interviewees by phone, fax and email, setting appointments and agenda for prospective meetings
· Obtained and reviewed secondary/written sources dealing with the development of security sector reform
· Conducted initial research on legislation, jurisprudence and policies of the countries covered by the project on security sector reform. The research included reading the materials, documents, research and policy papers, books as well as conducting interviews with relevant authorities from the region. In this period around 55 people were interviewed
· Identified of the conditionalities set by NATO, EU and the Stability pact for the restructuring of the army, police and border guards.

May 2002

· Reviewed the initiatives of the International Organizations on security sector reform
· Identified priorities of the countries of the region
· Undertook field research to Bulgaria
· Attended to a conference on security sector reform, held in Skopje and organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia.

June 2002

· Attended the second IPF training seminar in Budapest
· Finalized the outlook of the website:
· Preparation of the interim papers and reports
· Undertook field research to Albania

· Attended to a conference on security rebuilding, held in Skopje and organized by the Institute of Defense
of the University of Skopje.
© 2002-present -  Islam Yusufi