
Development Consultant & Policy Analyst

My area of expertise is:


                                        Governance:             Public Policy Analysis

                                Political Reform processes

                                Democratization & democratic institution building;

                                Electoral Processes

                                Election Monitoring & Observation

                                Local Governance - Decentralization

                                        Gender:                   Gender mainstreaming

                                Gender based Policy assessments

                                Women in Politics,

                                Women's Economic Empowerment

                                Women & Media


                                        Human Rights:          Rights based development

                                                                      Sectoral Institutionalization of rights

                                                                      Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)


                                        Research                Formative Research, Analytical Research, Situation Analysis,

                                                                     Institutional Assessment & Evaluations, Change management


My Resume

I have diversified experience of working with and for the Government of Pakistan, Government of Norway, Government of the Netherlands, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC), Department for International Development (DFID) UK, and Civil Society Organizations




My Specialization is in: Project development, Programme framework designing, Policy development & analysis,

                               Strategic planning: programmatic, Institutional & Policy,  Institutional reviews and impact assessments,

                        Monitoring & Evaluations, institutional change management support, Policy / Dialogue facilitation   


I can be contacted at and



The Consulting Researchers



I also lead a consulting firm named The Consulting Researchers (TCR) that undertakes team based reviews, assessment,

 evaluations and planning. It also facilitate in provision of sector based Consultants for individual and team assignments.


TCR also provides specialized services for Portfolio Management – Project and Programme based, as it has expertise

 in planning, implementation and M&E processes of Norway, UN system, DFID, SDC


Currently TCR is taking out report on the status of Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Pakistan



Women in Politics in Asia Forum (WPAF)



I am Deputy Convener of the Women in Politics in Asia Forum (WPAF) which is based in Pakistan with country chapters

in Thailand, Bangladesh and South Korea. It is undertaking gender based election observation reports in the Region which

is first of its kind initiatives. The Observations undertaken so far are in Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.

The Indian election report 2009 will be posted shortly. The reports are available at



The Researchers


We have a sister concern by the name of The Researchers that undertakes community based development projects,

research, surveys, evaluation and programme management services. The details are available at




Research Articles

" Women Representation in Local Government in Pakistan: Impact Analysis & Future Policy implications"
Annex I, Annex II, Annex III


Beginning of an end for women in mainstream politics in Pakistan

Women in Politics in Local Government: Barriers & Beyond

Women & Decentralization Reforms: A case of Pakistan

International Conflicts and Socio-Religious crossroads: a mere media Hype: Perspective of Pakistan a front line State

Feeling Decentralization


Informative Links