Open Society Institute
International Policy Fellowship Program

Andriy Vyshnevsky’s Home Page
Information Policy Fellow 2002-2003

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Andriy Vyshnevsky,
Kyiv, Ukraine

Curriculum Vitae
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Governmental Partners
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Interim Activity Report
Mentor Critique Form

Developing e-Democracy in Ukraine:
the Program “Electronic Ukraine”

Ukraine proclaimed its European choice as a long-term strategy of social and economical development. The goal of this strategy is to turn our country into a modern, developed democratic state with strong market economy, a state where interests of all layers of population are properly represented and protected without any exception. Actions of the government of Ukraine are directed to persistent realization of tasks, which come out of this goal. To more completely use ICT there were approved in the state and are in force National programme on informatization, Complex programme on development of the communication field, State programme of computerization of village schools, State programme on creation of a Unified state automated passport system, other programmes on implementation of ICT in everyday life of the society and in the work of all branches of the state power. At the same time there is a need to introduce integrated, inter-branch and inter-disciplinary approach to more effective and fast accomplishment of tasks which are currently faced by the Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian economy. The “Electronic Ukraine” programme first of all is a social programme as distinct from scientific-technical programmes, listed above, and it is aimed to integrate all the above programmes in a single whole what will result in ensuring their effectiveness”, - is stipulated in the preamble to the programme project.

Thus the “Electronic Ukraine” programme with its content and architecture is a logical continuation of the “Electronic Europe Plus” programme, because the main purpose and instruments for its implementation are identical with those that will be used by countries-candidates to EU during implementation of the “Electronic Europe Plus” programme.

First steps of independence were marked with significant curtailment of production of high-tech products, outflow of specialists abroad, a number of other negative phenomena. At the same time it was possible to preserve modern educational system, create a footing for new market economy, go over to economical development with increasing gross (GDP). Today the society can benefit from a so-called “tunnel effect” to make a rapid leap over several stages of development of ICT and more efficiently implement the most up-to-date technologies for the sphere of telecommunications and the sphere of informatization.

From the point of view of makers the “Electronic Ukraine” programme is aimed to favour building of modern market economy in Ukraine, ensure increase of its competitiveness and at the same time it takes into account the real state of affairs in the society, its readiness and ability for implementation of up-to-date ICT.

To estimate the current state of accomplishment of the Programme the criteria, envisaged in the “Electronic Europe Plus” programme are applied. The comperative analysis of the state of accomplishment of the “Electronic Ukraine” programme and the state of accomplishment of the “Electronic Europe Plus” programme will favour more efficient use of the budget funds and off-budget income by way of their concentration for accomplishment of the most important tasks.

The Programme project envisages resolving of a whole complex of tasks which will affect both economy and organization of the government activity. It will result in implementation of new mechanisms of interrelations between citizens and the state power, citizens and enterprises and public ohganizations.

The following tasks are determined in the Programme project as having great priority:

1. Creation of base of the Informational society:

  • Building of modern telecommunication infrastructure available for everyone.
  • Creation of national informational resources system.
  • Carry out training of the great part of the population.
  • Creation of legal basis for functioning of the Informational society.

2. Cheaper, fast and reliable Internet for everybody:

  • Providing access to the Internet as a universal service.
  • Providing scientists and students with fast Internet.
  • Creation of protected networks and use of intelligent cards.

3. Development of human potential:

  • Ensuring comprehensive computer competence of the young generation.
  • Creation of conditions for development of intellectual-rich economy.
  • Creation of conditions for each citizen to have possibility to work under conditions of intellectual-rich economy.

4. Stimulate use of Internet:

  • Speed up of development of e-commerce.
  • Creation of the electronic government system – from keeping informed to delivering services.
  • Creation of an electronic system of health care.
  • Filling the Ukrainian informational resources with content, oriented on an European consumer.
  • Development of intellectual-rich systems of the public transport.
  • Creation of electronic systems of encouragement of the environment protection.

The Programme is designed for the period from 2003 to 2010.



Governmental Partners
In the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Volodymyr Yatsuba State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Tymofiy Motrenko Deputy State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Victor Bondar Head of the Department of the Information Resources and Technologies Development Strategy, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Valeriy Fischuk Head of the Department for  the Information Insurance, Softline Company – the general contractor of the Government on e-government establishing
In the State Committee for Telecommunications and Informatization of Ukraine
Oleh Prozhyvalsky Deputy Head of the Committee
Oleksandr Nesterenko Head of the Department of the Infrastructure and Internet Development
Regional Governmental Partner - State Chancellery of Latvian Republic
Gunta Veismane Director of the State Chancellary
Baiba Petersone Consultant of the Policy Planning and Coordination Department
Other Contacts
Center for Political and Low Reforms
Ukrainian Network of the Information Society and Institute “Information Society”
Global Internet Policy Initiative
Charity Fund “Information Society of Ukraine”
Ukrainian Internet Community
EU Information Society
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
The European Union online
UK online
Office of the e-Envoy
Institute for Electronic Government, IBM Corporation
Center for Digital Government
Center for eGovernment
Digital Governance
World Bank
NZ online
US e-Government Strategy
National Union of Law information, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Parliament Library of Ukraine