Enikő Magyari-Vincze

March 2005

Developing a detailed work plan and budget

Literature research (on reproduction and reproductive health, policy research, and Romani women)

April 2005 
Continuing literature research

Contacting the Romanian Ministry of Health, and the NGO’s working on the domain of reproductive health, on the behalf of Romani communities, and on the reproductive health of Romani women, like: Society for Sexual and Contraceptive Education (Cluj office), Resource Centre for Roma Communities (Cluj), Association of Roma Women for their Children (
Timisoara), Association of Roma Women in Romania (Bucharest), Association for the Emancipation of Roma Women (Cluj) / the aim of this activity is to set up the principles and ways of cooperation

May 2005

Interviews in Cluj, Bucharest and Timisoara (at the Ministry of Health, and at the above mentioned civil organizations/ the interviews will focus on reproductive health, the condition of Roma women, but also the inclusion of their issues in the strategies concerning Roma and in the state policies concerning women’s rights)
Data collection regarding Romanian state policies of the improvement of reproductive health, and of the condition of Romani communities

Data collection from reports and existing research on reproductive health, and Romani communities from

June 2005
Analysis of governmental policy on the improvement of Roma’s condition

Analysis of the reports and existing research regarding the condition of Romani communities from

Analysis of the legislation and of the governmental policy on the improvement of reproductive health

Analysis of reports and existing research regarding reproductive health

July 2005

Fieldwork in Hunedoara county within Roma communities and medical institutions

August 2005
Transcribing the interviews
Preparing the interim report (this will be based on the analysis of policies and existing researches on reproductive health and on Romani communities in

September 2005

Continuing to transcribe the interviews

Analysis of fieldwork data

October 2005

Organizing a workshop in Cluj with the participation of the representatives of the mentioned civil organizations (tentative topic: The Decade of Roma Inclusion and women’s reproductive health)

Continuing data analysis

November 2005

Data analysis (compilation of the own research results with other research data)
Collecting the materials from the workshop

December 2005

Collecting materials about good practices in policy-making on the domain of Romani women’s reproductive health
Writing the brief policy paper (including anti-discrimination, equal opportunities and positive action into the policies of reproductive health; the  development of a Roma policy conscious about gender differences, and a reproductive health policy aware of ethnic differences)

Editing the workshop publication

January – February 2006

Final report and research paper writing

Publishing the workshop publication