Enikő Magyari-Vincze


<>Office address: Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University
Str. Em. De Martonne nr. 1, 34
00 Cluj, Romania
Tel./Fax: + 40-264-590251
E-mail: eni_personal@yahoo.com  <>


Work experience

University courses

Between 1992 – 1996:

<>·        Introduction into the history of philosophy
·        Introduction into cultural anthropology

Between 1996 – 2000:

<>·        Antropology of complex societies
·        The research of everyday life
·        Political anthropology
·        Anthropology of nationalism
·        Social and cultural theories 

Between 2000 - preseent

<>·        Anthropology and feminism
·        Gender, nation, nationalism
·        Anthropology of identity politics
·        Gender and sexuality in identity politics
·        Gender and ethnicity. The case of Roma women

Research experience

<>·        Roma women and reproductive health, policy research supported by the International Policy Fellowship/OSI, 2005-2006
·        Women’s condition and the use of modern contraception, fieldwork in Hunedoara county, Romania (2004)
·        Representations and practices of gender equality in Romania (2000 – present)
·        Women’s and men’s condition in the multiethnic city of Cluj, Romania (2000 – present)
·        Feminism as identity politics in the post-socialist Romania (1999 – 2000)
·        American understandings of multiculturalism. An ethnography of Chicano Studies at UCLA, California (1998-1999)
·        Ethnic identity politics within the context of the Romanian-Hungarian relationship in Romania (1992 – 1997)

Organizational experience


<>Within the academic sphere

·        Coordinator of the M.A. Complex Cultural Research at the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (started in 2005)
·        Coordinator of the M.A Gender, Differences and Inequalities at the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (2003 – present)
< style="font-family: comic sans ms;">·        Scientific director of the Gender Studies Program at Babes-Bolyai University (2001 – present)
·        Coordinator of the M.A. on European Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (1996 - 1999) 

<>·        Coordinating the applied research “The use of modern contraception in the region of Orăştie, Hunedoara county” (2004)
·        Initiating and coordinating the research “Women and Men in the Multiethnic Cluj” (2000-2001)
·        Coordinating the research project “The city of Cluj in the period of transition. Urban anthropological research” (1995-1996)  <>

       Academic programs

<>·        Organizer of the event “The Week of Gender Studies at Babes-Bolyai University”, Cluj (May, 2004)
·        Co-organizer of the international conference “Re-negotiating socio-cultural identities in the postsocialist Eastern Europe”, Cluj (June 2003)
·        Organizer of the event “The Week of Gender Studies at Babes-Bolyai University”, Cluj (May, 2003)
·        Organizer of the workshop “Feminist Studies in Europe and in Cluj”, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (June, 2001)
·        Co-organizer of the conference “Representing Anthropology and Anthropological Representations in Eastern Europe”, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj (September, 2000)
·        Co-organizer of the summer training at Babes-Bolyai University, “How to Study Cultural Encounters? The Case of Migration” (August, 1997)
Co-organizer of the summer seminar at Cluj on “Women and Men in East European Transition” (July, 1996)



·   International Policy Fellowship, Open Society Institute, grant for the policy research Roma women’s reproductive health (2005-2006)

·        Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship, Institut für die Wiesenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, for the researh project Social exclusion at the crossroads of ethnicity, gender and class. A view through Roma women’s reproductive health (April-June 2006) 

·        DAAD, Münster Universitat, research on Equality politics in the EU (November 2002)

·        OSI-HESP grant for documentation visit to the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, course development Gender, nation and nationalism (May 2002)

·        OSI-HESP grant for documentation visit to the University of Sussex, UK and to the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, course development Anthropology and feminism (February 2001)

·        Bolyai scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the research Feminism as identity politics in the post-socialist Romania (1999 – 2001)

·        Post-doctoral Fulbright fellowship, University of California, Los Angeles for the research project Understanding multiculturalism at American universities. The case of Chicano(a) Studies (August 1998 – June 1999)

·        CEU/HESP scholarship for the development of the course Politics of Identity and Nationalism (1997-1998)

·        Tempus grant, University of Sussex, UK, course development Introduction into cultural anthropology (May 1997)

·      CEU scholarship, Regional Seminar of the Gender and Culture Program of the Central European University, Budapest with the project Women’s issues in Romanian politics after 1989 (1996 – 1997)

·      Tempus grant, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands and State University of Milan, Italy, writing my PhD thesis The Anthropology of Nationalist Identity Politics (May – June 1996)

·        Course Development Program grant, Open Society Institute, course on Political Anthropology (1996)

·        Sasakawa scholarship for the research project Symbols and power. The symbolic dimensions of the  Romanian nationalism after 1989 (1995 – 1996)

·        Research Support Scheme grant, Central European University for the research project  Politics and culture. Reconstructing politics in Romania after 1989 (1994 – 1996)

Collective (grant director)

·        South-East Faculty Development Program, HESP, OSI Curriculum Development in Gender Studies (2000-2003)

·        HESP, OSI grant for the program Teaching Gender in Eastern Europe (2005-2008)

<>Work in organizations
    Within the academia

·        Founder member and director of the Centre for Gender Studies at Babes-Bolyai University (organized in 2006)

·        President of the Society of Cultural Anthropology from Romania (2003 – present)

·        Founder member and coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Group for Gender Studies, at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology, Babes-Bolyai University (2000 – 2006)

·        Founder member and co-director of the Institute for Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of European Studies, Cluj (1997 - present)

·        Member in the international organizations „Women’s Studies International Europe” and „Network of East-West Women” (1996 – present)

·        Member of the Centre of Research on Interethnic Relations in Romania, at Babeş-Bolyai University (1992 – present)

    Within editorial boards

·        Member on the International Board of the European Journal of Women’s Studies (1999-2004)

·        Coordinator of the Cultural Analysis Series of the Publishing House EFES, Cluj (1997-present)

·        Editor-in-chief of the review "Caietele Tranzitiei" (Papers on Transition) (1997-2000)

    Within civic organizations

·        Co-organizer of the program “Until Violence Will Stop”, together with Artemis Centre with the occasion of Women’s International Day (March, 2004)

·        Organizer of the program “Women’s Works” with the occasion of Women’s International Day (March, 2003)

·        Organizer of the program “Feminine Presences” with the occasion of Women’s International Day (March, 2002)

·        Organizer of the program “Another March” with the occasion of Women’s International Day (March, 2001)

·        Co-organizer of the program “Women for Equal Opportunities” with the occasion

of Women’s International Day (March, 2000)

·        Founder member and curator of Tranzit Foundation, Cluj (1997 – present)


Participation on conferences with papers (1997 – present)

List of publications


Personal volumes:

·        Diferenţa care contează. Diversitatea Social-Culturală prin Lentila Antropologiei Feministe (Difference Matters. Socio-Cultural Diversity through the Lenses of a Feminist Anthropology), Cluj: Desire, 2002

·        Talking Feminist Institutions. Interviews with Leading European Scholars, Cluj: Desire, 2002

·        Kísérletek kulturális elemzésre. Experimente în analiza culturalã. Experiments in Cultural Analysis, Cluj: EFES, 1997

·        Antropologia politicii identitare nationaliste (The Anthropology of Nationalist Identity Politics), Cluj: EFES, 1997

·        Feminista antropológia elvek és gyakorlatok között, egyetemi tankönyv (Feminist Anthropology Between Principles and Practices, university textbook), Cluj: Desire, 2006

·        Social Exclusion at the Crossroads of Gender, Ethnicity and Class – Excluderea socială la intersecţia dintre gen, etnicitate şi clasă, Cluj: EFES, 2006


  <>Co-editing the volumes:

·        Gen, Societate şi Cultură. Cursuri în Studii de Gen, Volum 1-3 (Gender, Society and Culture. Courses in Gender Studies), Cluj: Desire, 2004

·        Performing Identities. Renegotiating Socio-Cultural Identities in the Post-socialist Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 2004

·        Breaking the Wall. Representing Anthropology and Anthropological Representations in Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 2003

·        Prezenţe feminine. Studii despre femei în România (Female Presence. Women’s Studies in Romania), Cluj: Desire, 2002

·        Întâlniri multiple. Antropologi Occidentali în Europa de Est (Multiple Encounters. Western Anthropologists in Eastern Europe), Cluj: EFES, 2000

·        Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, Cluj: EFES, 1998

·        Women and Men in East European Transition, Cluj: EFES, 1997


Editing the volume:     

·        Femei şi bărbaţi în Clujul multietnic (Women and Men in the Multiethnic Cluj), Cluj: Desire, 2001


Articles in collective volumes:

Articles in journals (since 1990) <> 
Articles in print