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Project Reserach Publications Profile



Reporting period: March 2002-April 2003


(1) To establish contacts with relevant experts in order to feedback and make appropriate changes to the approved project proposal and timetable in response to the changing institutional context for local governments; (2) To develop a model for the comparative measurement of the institutional performance of local governments before and after the local government reform; (3) To identify and analyze policy networks and to track the connections of powerful actors in the pilot municipalities; (4) To write research and policy papers in English and publish a monograph in Georgian.

Key activities:
(1) design of a model for measurement of institutional performance of the pilot municipalities; (2) interviews with local government and interest group representatives; (3) research and analysis on the local reputational networks; (3) preparation of an undergraduate course for the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, School of Public Administration; (4) drafting a guide for partnerships covering structural and institutional issues; (5) dissemination of information on the main findings.

(1) To present a guide for partnerships on the partnership conference in Gori - June 2003
(2) To publish a monograph in Georgian on the local governance models - August 2003

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Copyright © 2003 Koba Turmanidze