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Project Reserach Publications Profile


Mentors of the project

Zsolt Enyedi
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Political Science Department, Assistant Professor

Interests and experience:
Representativeness of political parties; party organization and party competition; Christian Democracy; authoritarianism, prejudices and political tolerance; pillarization; religion in electoral behavior; church and state relations. Published articles in academic journals and chapters in edited volumes (in English, Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian and German) on party politics, political attitudes, religion and government.

David Losaberidze

Caucasus Institute for Piece, Democracy and Development, Tbilisi, Georgia
Board member

Interests and experience:
Ethnicity and nationalism; ethnography and ethnology; ethnic identity; decentralization and local government; clientelism and informal relations. Published articles in academic journals and several monographs on local government, decentralization, institutional building, ethnic relations and clentelism in Georgian, Russian and English languages.

Download Zsolt Enyedi's resume

Download David Losaberidze's resume


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