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Welcome to Koba Turmanidze's Web Site

Welcome to my web site. The web site is designed to report about the activities of my research project: Models of Governance in Divided Communities: The Case of Georgian Devolution. The project is funded by the International Policy Fellowships Program (IPF), which annually supports scholars from Central and Eastern Europe to carry out research in various areas of public policy. Here you will find papers and reports covering my IPF and other academic activities.

For beedback and comments on my works please contact me at turmanidze@policy.hu or press the Feedback button above.


The project is supported by the International Policy Fellowships Program affiliated with Open Society Institute, Central European University and Center for Policy Studies
Open Society Institute Center for Policy Studies Central European University



Models of Governance in Divided Communities

The paper argues that public participation helps to fulfill the major objectives of facilitating democratization and of improving efficiency in service provision. To enhance participation an integrated approach should be adopted which consists of the following components: (1) deconstruction of the existing policy networks - empowering local governments by granting them more financial and political autonomy; (2) empowering civic associations by promoting their autonomy from governments and responsiveness to citizens; (3) building up new networks: introducing participatory institutions that supplement traditional institutions of local democracy



Copyright © 2003 Koba Turmanidze