The entire material of the research has been published in form of a book entitled "Tobacco Control in Hungary: Past, Present, Future". All chapters of the book, including those in Hungarian are available using the links below.



Foreword (PDF, 72 kB)
(Introduction, Executive summary)

1. Tobacco use in Hungary - a situation analysis (PDF, 141 kB)
1.1 Smoking in Hungary
1.2 Health impact of smoking
1.3 Social costs of smoking

2. The international tobacco control environment and its relevance for Hungary (PDF, 67 kB)
2.1 Tobacco control in the European Union TABLE 2.1
2.2 Initiatives of the World Health Organization
2.3 The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
2.4 Local impact of other international initiatives

3. History of tobacco control in Hungary (PDF, 1338 kB)
3.1 The beginnings (1960s)
3.2 Tobacco control in the communist regime (1970s and 1980s)
3.3 Tobacco control in the years of democratic transformation (till 1990 by now)
3.4 The present

4. Hungary’s tobacco control efforts under the microscope (PDF, 1242 kB)
4.1 Overview of measures already taken TABLE 4.6 (PDF, 30 kB)
4.1.1 Pricing and taxation policies
4.1.2 Control of smuggling
4.1.3 Smoke-free environments
4.1.4 Advertising, promotion and sponsorship
4.1.5 Sales of tobacco products to minors
4.1.6 Product control, identification and consumer information
4.1.7 Smoking cessation
4.1.8 Education, public information and public opinion
4.1.9 Litigation and product liability
4.1.10 Policy development and coordination of tobacco control activities
4.1.11 Policy oriented research

5. Stakeholders of the pro- and anti-tobacco arena (PDF, 1202 kB)
5.1 Pro-tobacco stakeholders
5.1.1 Tobacco growers
5.1.2 Tobacco processing companies
5.1.3 Tobacco manufacturers in Hungary
5.1.4 Hungarian Association of Cigarette Manufacturers (HACM, Magyar Dohányipari Szövetség)
5.1.5 The advertising industry
5.1.6 Other industry partners and other affiliates

5.2 Anti-tobacco stakeholders
5.2.1 Government based agencies
5.2.2 Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) TABLE 5.1 (PDF, 16 kB)

5.3 The private and business sectors
5.3.1 Enterprises partly state-owned
5.3.2 The private sector

5.4 Communication, collaboration, networking and coalition building in tobacco control

5.5 The role of high level political actors in tobacco control
5.5.1 The government
5.5.2 The President of Hungary
5.5.3 Members of the parliament and political parties

5.6 The role of the Hungarian media in tobacco control

5.7 Building capacities for tobacco control

5.8 Advocacy in tobacco control

6. Shaping future policy options in tobacco control (PDF, 63 kB)

Annexes (PDF, 864 kB)
(including: Case study 1: Hungarian legislators' support for the adoption of the anti-smoking act; Case study 2: Introduction of tobacco advertising ban – analysis of its coverage in Hungarian media)



Elõszó (PDF, 70 kB)

Az angol nyelvû tanulmány összefoglalója (PDF, 70 kB)

Tények és adatok

1. Felnõttkori dohányzás (PDF, 68 kB)
2. Gyermekek és dohányzás (PDF, 461 kB)
3. Passzív dohányzás (PDF, 497 kB)
4. Dohányzás és betegség (PDF, 64 kB)
5. A dohányzás okozta társadalmi kár (PDF, 61 kB)
6. Dohánytermesztés (PDF, 63 kB)
7. Cigarettagyártás (PDF, 378 kB)
8. A dohányzásellenes politikák elemei (PDF, 50 kB)
9. Cigarettaadó-emelés, mint népegészségügyi intézkedés (1073 kB)
10. A dohányreklám-tilalom népegészségügyi jelentõsége (PDF, 390 kB)
11. Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet Dohányzás-ellenõrzési Keretegyezménye (PDF, 53 kB)

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