II Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova


1. Adress: Law faculty-Skopje, bul. "Krste Misirkov" bb, Skopje, 1000, Macedonia
3. Telephon: ++ 389 2 3117-244
4. E-mail:
5. Civil status:    Married, mother of two children
6.  Education:      1993 – Ph.D. with exellence, Law faculty of Ljubljana, Slovenia
7. Lanuage skills:   English, Serbian, Croatian

8. Brief Highlights and previous positions:
-   Minister in the Government of Republic of Macedonia 1992-1994
- Member of the Constitutional Commission of the Assembly of Republic of Macedonia and participated in the work on the Constitution of 1991; 
- Member of the Macedonian Council of European movement 
- President of the Governmental Coordinating Body for cooperation with CEELI (Central and Eastern European Law Initiative) established by American Bar Association
- Member of the Editorial board of “Balkan Forum” (The International Journal of Politics, Economy and Culture) 1993-1995
- Legal counselor of Urban Institute in Washington, 1998-99
- Participated in the work of the Geneva conference for Former Yugoslavia, 1991;

9. Professional Service and membership of professional bodies:
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Law Faculty, Skopje
- Member of the Presidency of the Association of Constitutional Law of the Republic of Macedonia
- Expert-member of the Steering Committee for Local and Regional Democracy in Council of Europe; 
- Member of the Body of independent experts, Council of Europe
-  UN electoral expert - 1998
- Expert in the program UNDP (Gender Development);
- President of Macedonian National Committee for equality of men and women 
- Member of the Council of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL);
-President of the Board of the Foundation for Strategic Researches “Kiro Gligorov” 
-Member of the Executive board of the foundation Open Society- Macedonia;
- One of the founders of Euro-Balkan tink-tank organization;
- Included between the most successful women for 1999 in “Who is Who” by American Biographical Institute;

10. Present Position: 
- Professor of: Constitutional Law and Political System; Comparative Political Systems; and Local Government at the legal studies, political studies and journalism. 
- Professor of Comparative Political Systems at the postgraduate studies of International relations and International Politics. 
- Professor of “The Introduction of Macedonian Government” at “Studies for American students” in Republic of Macedonia (State University of Tempi Arizona and Ss.”Kiril and Metodij”, Skopje). 
-Manager of the Center for Legal Clinics, Law Faculty-Skopje
-professor of Introduction to gender studies, Union of the Women`s Organizations in Macedonia

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