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Your thoughtful and honest appraisal will be most helpful. We appreciate your input and will try to implement as many of your ideas as possible. Continue comments on the back if necessary.

Each Fellow works with one mentor who is Soros foundations network-affiliated (usually Open Society Institute and Central European University) and one or two ‘external’ mentor(s) who are experts in the field working outside the Soros foundations network. Mentors should: 1) Work with Fellows to devise a brief policy paper in their field(s) of expertise based on a lengthy research paper written over the course of the fellowship year, 2) Maintain contact with Fellows at least once every six weeks or so by telephone, fax or e-mail to discuss the development of projects, 3) If feasible, meet with Fellows at least once during the fellowship year to discuss the project, 4) Facilitate Fellows’ contact with other relevant experts and participation in appropriate meetings (IPF has discretionary funds to support Fellow attendance at relevant events), 5) Complete brief mid-term and final critique forms supplied by IPF to provide the program with feedback regarding the Fellow’s progress.

Your name, position: Nenad Dimitrijevic, Associate Professor, CEU Political Science Department

Name of Fellow you have assisted: Renata Treneska

1. What, in your opinion, have you and your Fellow/program/project gained from your cooperation thus far?

Given the subject of the research – a case study of the construction and work of constitutional judiciary in a post-communist country (Macedonia) – we concentrated our attention on the question of reaching balance between: a) theoretical issues of constitutionalism, b) a proper shaping of the position and the role of constitutional judiciary in a democratic regime, c) the situated givens of the Macedonian transition, d) specific problems, challenges and tasks that the Constitutional Court of Macedonia has to meet in contributing to the establishment of the rule of law and democracy in this country. In our communication, we tried to look at all these parameters, in an effort to identify the most pressing and feasible policy proposals.


2. Do certain areas of this Fellow’s work need improvement? Which areas?

The Fellow is an accomplished young scholar. Her knowledge of the relevant literature is most impressive. Her command of the appropriate scientific methods and their application to the Macedonian situation gives evidence of her scholarly maturity: she has demonstrated her analytical capacity through the way she has connected her academic knowledge with her explication of the current difficulties the Macedonian Constitutional Court is confronted with. Sure, avenues of improvement are open, but rather than problems, I envisage a smooth progress of the Fellow’s abilities.

3. In your opinion, does your Fellow’s project make a significant contribution to the field?


This project contributes to broadening of the knowledge in the field of constitutional theory, comparative constitutional studies, and policy oriented comparative political research, mainly by offering a reliable insight into a relatively neglected constitutional system.

4. Would the project be important to other countries in the CEE/fSU region?


Yes, to the extent all the countries  in the region face the comparable set of problems: that of establishing the authority of the Constitutional Court after the period of authoritarian role, and that of properly constitutionally/legally explicating the way of formation, composition, duties and reach of validity of the Court’s decisions.

5. Could the proposed policy research make an impact on the policy environment in specific countries or regions? (Policy makers, experts and policy research community)


It has to be noted that the nature of recommendations is such that they point to the need to amend the Constitution and to pass an appropriate law on the Constitutional Court. Whether these recommendations will turn out to be practically relevant, depends on the readiness of political actors to recognize the importance of the problem (and it is beyond any doubt that the problem is relevant). But this research surely sends a powerful signal to the academic and policy research community, urging them to use their capacity to influence policy makers toward reflecting on this pressing issue..

6. Is the timetable for the project realistic?


Given the reasons described above, no specific timetable and deadlines could be stated.


7. Could the project benefit a large number of people?


Yes, see point 5. Besides, it should ideally contribute to dissemenating among citizens of Macedonia awareness of the importance of the properly established and equipped Constitutional Court for the defence of their fundamental rights.


8. Does the Fellow show evidence that he/she can think strategically about the relevant project and/or field?


Yes, please see point 2.

9. If the Fellow were to re-apply for continued OSI funding for follow-up work associated with the project, would you support continued funding?




10. Are there other appropriate funders that may support the project?



Recommendations for other potential senior contacts for this Fellow:

Additional Comments (Please comment on your Fellow’s work and all aspects of the IPF program using the back of this sheet):

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