Name: Renata Treneska Deskoska
Date of birth:   03-05-1972, in Skopje, Macedonia
Current possition:   teaches Constitutional law, Political System, Constitutional Judiciary,  Contemporary Political Systems, Parliamentary Law and Local Self-Government at the Law Faculty - Skopje, Macedonia
Education 2002- Ph.D., SJD obtained at the Law faculty-Ljubljana, Slovenia. Topic of the disertation: "Constitutionalism, constitutions and human rights, with case study of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Macedonia"

1997 - LL.M. (M.A.) degree obtained at the Faculty of Law - Skopje, Macedonia. Topic of the dissertation: "Types of executive power"

1994 - University Degree  graduated lawyer obtained at the Faculty of Law - Skopje, Macedonia (average result 9,55)

Foreign languages: 
English, French, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian and Bulgarian
Member of: 1)  Association for Constitutional Law in Republic of Macedonia (member of the Presidency)
2)  International Association of Constitutional Law, Rotterdam
3)  International Institute of Law for Peace, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Romania
Attended International Law Seminars:  1)  Postgraduate International Summer School on “Post-communist transition and European Integration process” at The University Training Center in Bertinoro (Forli)-Italy (1995)
2) Summer session of The Hague Academy of International Law, on Public International Law (1997)
3) 29th Session d`Enseignement (Institut international des droits de l`homme - Strasbourg) in 1998
4) 26th Study Session at the International Center for University Human Rights Teaching (Strasbourg) in 1998
5)  internship in the Council of Europe, Directorate of Human Rights, 3-14 August 1998
6)  “English for Lawyers Seminar” organized by Open Society Institute Macedonia in Struga (1995)
7)  “International Business Transactions”, Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute (COLPI) - CEU, Budapest, 1998
8)  “Legal Theory and Human Rights Protection”, from July 05 to July 23, 1999 in Budapest (CEU)
9)  Workshop on the “European Convention on Human Rights and its application to refugees and asylum seekers”, co-organized by the Directorate General of Human Rights of the Council of Europe and UNHCR in Skopje, held from 19-20 October 2000 in Skopje, Macedonia
10)  COLPI/PILI Meeting on Clinical Legal Education for the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia, held from 16-19 November 2000, in Skopje and Ohrid, Macedonia
11)  Balkan Law School Linkage Initiative Conference, organized by ABA/CEELI, held from 7-8 December 2000, in Ljubljana, Slovenia
12)  “Supervision skills workshop”, organized by the Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) and Vermont Law School, from 1-3 February 2001, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
13)  study visit of the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA, 3-14 February 2001
14)  COLPI/PILI Meeting on Clinical Legal Education for the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia, held from May 31-June 2, 2001, in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
15)  Fourth Annul COLPI-PILI Colloquium on Clinical Legal Education, held from 25-27 October, 2001 in Riga, Latvia
16)  Legislatures and citizens, East-West Parliamentary Practice Project, held from 16-18 November, 2001 in Vienna, Austria
17)  “Analysis and improvement of the project Law on election of representatives”, Citizens for citizens, 04-05.02.2002, Skopje
18) "Parliamentary procedures and responsibility", Skopje, 2002
19) Balkan Law School Linkage Initiative Conference, organized by ABA/CEELI, December 2002, in Skopje
20) Fourteenth International Policy Fellows Seminar, Center for Policy Studies, 3-13 March 2003, Budapest
21) Fifteenth International Policy Fellows Seminar, Center for Policy Studies, 2-11 June 2003, Budapest
22) “Contemporary law, legal science and Justinian`s codification”, Skopje, 20-23 October 2003
23) Balkan Law School Linkage Initiative Conference, ABA/CEELI, Rijeka, 5-7 December, 2003
24) “Education for Democracy and Human Rights”, Council of Europe, 4-7 July 2003, Ohrid
25) “Financing of political parties”, Council of Europe, Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, 13-14 November 2003, Ohrid
26) Round Table Discussion on the draft version of the NHDR 2003 – Local Human Development and Good Governance, 17 December 2003, Skopje
27)Working meeting on National strategy of the Republic of Macedonia for Integration in the European Union, 20-22 December 2003, Ohrid
28) "Financing of political parties and election campaings", Council of Europe, Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, IFES, Ohrid, 11-13 March 2004
29) Sixteen International Policy Fellows Seminar, Center for Policy Studies, 22-27 March 2004, Budapest
30) "The enlargement of EU, European Convention and the "Rest" of Europe", 8 May 2004, Skopje
Admitted to participate in: 1)  5th Session of the Academy of European Public Law, European Public Law Center, Athens, Greece
2)  10th Session on Human Rights, European University Institute, Academy of European Law, Florence, Italy
3)  Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights, 19-30 August 2002, Turku/Abo, Finland
Given public lectures: 1)  “Visions for Law, Legal Science and Lawyers Profession”, World Bank and Ministry for Culture, January 1998
2)  “The Law for Election of the Representatives”, Pristop and Government of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 02-02-1998
3)  “Executive power in the Democratic Systems”, Macedonian Political Forum, 22.04.1999
4)  “The Rights of the National Minorities in Republic of Macedonia and Comparatively”, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Ohrid, 19.06.1999
5)  “The role of the civil society”, Center for Local Democracy, Ohrid, September, 1999
6)  “The right to democracy”, Center for Local Democracy, Ohrid, October, 1999
7)  “The Rights and Status of the Minorities in Countries Created after the breakdown of SFRJ”, Forum of Democratic Alternative BiH and Centre for Regionalism - Novi Sad, held in Kotor, 02-04.06. 2000
8)  “Protection of the electoral right”, “2002-Decentralization and parliamentary elections in Macedonia: responsibilities, challenges and possibilities for civic action”, Open Society Institute-Macedonia, 29-31.03.2002, Ohrid.
9) “Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 9 May 2003, Ohrid
10) “Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 23 May 2003, Skopje
11) “Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 20 June 2003, Skopje 
12) “Citizens participation at local level”, “Education for Democracy and Human Rights”, Council of Europe, 7 July 2003, Ohrid
13) )“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 19 September 2003, Skopje 
14)“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 10 October 2003, Ohrid 
15)“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 24 October 2003, Skopje 
16)“Recommendations of Council of Europe on financing of political parties”, Council of Europe, 13 November 2003, Ohrid
17)“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 14 Novermber 2003, Skopje 
18)“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 12 December 2003, Skopje 
19)“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 12 March 2004, Ohrid 
20) “Principles on financing of political parties”, Council of Europe, Ohrid, 12 March 2004
21)“Constitutional and Political System of the Republic of Macedonia”, “System of Public Administration and Public Service in the Republic of Macedonia”, 16 April 2004, Skopje 
     a) Books: 
1.  “Executive power in democratic systems”, Matica Makedonska, Skopje, 1999
2.  “Executive Power and Political System”, part of the textbook  “Constitutional and Political System” by Savo Klimovski, Ph.D. (Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 1997)
3.  “Politics and Institutions” (co-author with Savo Klimovski, Ph.D. and others.), Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 1999
4.  “Constitutional law”, part of the textbook “Introduction to Law”, by Dimitar Bajaldziev, second book, Makedonska riznica, Skopje, 1999
5.  “Constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia”, textbook for secondary schools, (co-author with Savo Klimovski and Vladimir Mitkov), Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 2002
6. “Handbook for the exam of the administrative officials”, (co-author with Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and Tanja Trendafilova), Euro Balkan, Skopje, 2001
7.“Constitutional law and Political system”, (co-author with Savo Klimovski and others), Prosvetno delo, Skopje, 2003
     b) Articles: 1. “The aim of the public law – human rights and freedoms - public law”, Annual book of the Law faculty - Skopje, 1998
2. “The Right to Organize Trade-unions – Constitutional and International Aspects”, Pravnik, No.73/19983. “The Right to Healthy Environment”, Reformi, No.6/1998
3.  “Rights of the National Minorities in the Republic of Macedonia”, paper accepted and recorded on the CD-room of the Fifth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, 1998
4.  “Do we need Conventions for the Rights of the Child?!”, paper submitted for the International Congress for the Convention for the Rights of the Child and its Implementation, organized by Children’s Parliament of Republic of Macedonia, 1999
5.  “Democratic Process in Republic of Macedonia and the Level of Political Culture”, Nova Makedonija, 1995
6.   “Public Opinion”, Dijalog, No.14/1997
7.   “Reforms in the Organization of the Power in the Republic of Macedonia”, Reformi, No.1/1998
8.   “Presidential veto”, Reformi, No.2/1998 
9.   “The Role of the Prime Minister in Modern Political Systems”, Reformi, No.3/1998
10.  “Parliamentary Control and the Role of the Government”, Reformi, No.4/1998
11.   “Strong or Weak Executive Power?!”, Annual book of the Law Faculty-Skopje, 1996
12.   “Organization of the power in Republic of Macedonia”, “Collection of papers devoted to Asen Grupce, Ph.D.”, Law Faculty - Skopje, 2001
13.  “President of the Republic of Macedonia and Prime Minister: duo or duel”, in the “Transformation of the political and legal system of Republic of Macedonia”, Law Faculty - Skopje, 1999
14.  “National Minorities and Their Rights in the Republic of Macedonia”, in Annual book of the Law Faculty - Skopje, 1999/2001
15.  “Public in Law-making Process”, Reformi, No.5/1998
16.  “The notion of executive power”, “Collection of papers devoted to Stefan Gaber, Ph.D.”, Law Faculty-Skopje, 2001 
17.  “Genesis of the British Parliamentarism”, “Collection of papers devoted to Nikola Sotirovski, Ph.D.”, Law faculty-Skopje, 2001
18.  “International pressure from behind of the screen of human rights: the case Macedonia 2001”, Balkan Yearbook of Human Rights 2001 "(Un)Even Partners-Political Conditionality in Relations with the Balkan Countries" 
19.  “Party Funding and Campaign Finance in the Republic of Macedonia”, 2002
20.  “Multi-ethnic coexistence in the Republic of Macedonia before and after 2001” in “Managing Multiethnic Local Communities in Countries of former Yugoslavia”, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Budapest, 2002, (in printing)
21.  “On the citizenship of the European Union”, Evrodijalog, no.2/2002 
22.  “Case study: party funding in the Republic of Macedonia”, “Collection of papers devoted to Vasil Grivcev, Ph.D.”, Law faculty-Skopje, 2002 
23. "On the parliamentary law of the European Union", Evrodijalog, no.3/2002
24. “Constitutional court as protector of human rights”, Legitima, Skopje, 2003
25. "The Constitutional court in the Republic of Macedonia: proposals for reform", Collection of papers of the Law faculty-Skopje, 2004 (in printing)
Projects: 1.  “Contemporary forms of violence”, International Center for University Human Rights Teaching (Strasbourg) in 1998
2.  “Executive power and its Characteristics in the Republic of Macedonia”, Open Society Institute (Skopje) in 1997
3.  “Public law - Private law”, Law faculty (Skopje) in 1998
4.  “Republic of Macedonia as Modern Legal State”, Law faculty (Skopje) in 1997
5.  “Transformation of the Political and Legal System in Republic of Macedonia”, Law faculty (Skopje) in 1999
6.  “Center for legal clinical education”, Open Society Institute- Macedonia, ABA/CEELI and Law faculty (Skopje), 2000
7.  “Handbook for the exam of the administrative officials”, Euro Balkan  (Skopje) in 2000/01.
8.  “Constitutionalism and Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia”, Research Support Scheme, (Prague), 2000/2002 (no.339/2000)
9.   “Euro integration of the social, legal and political system of the Republic of Macedonia”, Law faculty (Skopje), 2002
10. “Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia: Proposals for Legal and Administrative Reform”, Center for Policy Studies, OSI, 2003
11. “National Human Development Report for Macedonia – 2003 – Local Human Development and Good Governance”, UNDP, 2003
Other activities:  1.Member of the working group for preparation of the Law on territorial organization of the Republic of Macedonia, 2003
2.Member of the working group for preparation of the Law on political parties, 2003
3. Local consultant to DIFID, 2003-2004
4. Participated in the preparation of the National Strategy for Integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union, 2003

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