Bilyana Tomova's
                        P  U  B  L  I  C  A  T  I  O  N  S


    Alternative financing of cultural activities, Sofia, 2005, /in Bulgarian/ - forthcoming.

    Art and Market, Obrazovanie publishing, Sofia, 2003, /in Bulgarian/.


    Financing Art and Culture in Bulgaria - Between State and Market,  in University Scientific Prints Vol. 2/2002,p.395-418, Stopanstvo  Publishing– UNWE, Sofia 2002, /in Bulgarian/.

    Market and Non-market Defects in Performing Arts /with L. Varbanova/ in “Market and Non-market Defect in Socio-cultural Area” ed. E.Delcheva, Stopanstvo Publishing– UNWE, Sofia 2000, /in Bulgarian/.


    Between the temple and the market...In quest for the other financing, “Ikonomika” Journal, 4/2004, p.58-64, /in Bulgarian/.

    Market Failures in Art, “Iconomical thought” Journal 2/2004, p. 72-89, /in Bulgarian/.

    Characteristics of the art market competition, “Alternativi” Journal, 1/2004, p. 10-14, /in Bulgarian, PDF/.

    The gambling and culture – the coin has two sides, “Ikonomika” Journal, 3/2003, p.76-78, /in Bulgarian, PDF/.

    ºãÛìâãàÝÐï ßÞÛØâØÚÐ ±ÞÛÓÐàØØ – ßàÐÚâØÚÐ Ø ßÕàáßÕÚâØÒë, Ò “ºãÛìâãàÝÐï ßÞÛØâØÚÐ Ò ÆÕÝâàÐÛÝÞÙ °×ØØ Ò ßÕàÕåÞÔÝëÙ ßÕàØÞÔ”, °ÛÜÐâë, 2003, á. 29-33, /in Russian/.

    Education – Basic Factor in the Model of the Art Consumption, in “Obrazovanie” Journal, 3/2003, p. 47-57, /in Bulgarian, PDF/.

    Economical Effects from Culture or Unused Possibilities of the In-direct Monetary Approach, in “Ikonomika” Journal, 1/2003, p. 74-76, /in Bulgarian/.

    The reform in Bulgarian Culture and alternative methods for financing in “The reform in Socio-cultyral area - between realities and expectations”, 2002, Stopanstvo publishing, UNSS, Sofia, /in Bulgarian, PDF/.

    The public Choice, state and funding of the arts in “Almanac of Public Finances” – ed. G. Manliev, National University Center for Public Sector Economics, Sofia 2001, p.87-100, /in Bulgarian/.

    Best Practices in Financing Culture – The Vidin State Fhilharmonic Orchestra, Bulgaria in The Budapest observatory on financing culture in East-Central Europe – /2000/, /in English/.

    Market Research in the Railway - proceedings of the Technical University –vol.48, Sofia, 1995, /in Bulgarian/.

    Financing Bulgarian Culture Between State and Market - economical report, Project “Technological Park Culture” – program “Policy for Culture”- European Cultural Foundation, Sofia, 2001, /in Bulgarian/.
