Sofia 1100, “8 December” str., bl. 27, ap. 34
Tel. 003592 962 39 81 (o), 003592 68 26 13 (h)

Education and scientific career:

2000 - Professor of economics, University of National and World Economy, (UNWE) Sofia, Department of Social and Cultural Management and Economics
1999 - Doctor of economic sciences
1984 - Associate professor, University of National and World Economy
1976 - Doctoral degree of economics
1972 – Assistant professor, University of National and World Economy
1971 - M.A. in Macroeconomics, University of National and World Economy

Professional Experience:

2003 – Head of College of Entrepreneurship, Varna Free University
2000 to date – Member of Specialized Scientific Council of the High Testimonial Commission
1998 to date – Member of the Editional board of the “Education” journal
1995 – Head of College of Economics and management, Slavonic University
1994 – 1998 – Dean of Economical Department, University of National and World Economy, Sofia
1993 – 1994 – Consultant to the Ministry of Culture
1993 – 1998 – Scientific Secretary of Specialized Scientific Council of the High Testimonial Commission
1991 – 1999 – Head of Department of Social and Cultural Management and Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia
1980 – 1984 – Vice chairman of Scientific-Research Laboratory, UNWE

Teaching Experience:

Lecturing in: Economics: Economics of socio-cultural activity, Management of human resources, Analysis of socio-cultural area, Political economy, Economical analysis of education, Cultural economics, Economic of football.

Scientific mentor of 12 post graduate students.

Leader and coordinator of 11 research projects.