W  e  l  c  o  m  e    t o    H  o  m  e   P  a  g  e    o f 



 RESEARCH PROJECT: Market Mechanisms of Financing Culture in Accession Countries
 Scope, Trends, and Challenges in the Process of EU Enlargement
The Case of Bulgaria, Hungary and Lithuania

 The balance or the predominance of one of both sides in the cultural product – civilizing value and market price is determined by the role
and the place of the state in the process of governance of culture, i.e. by the cultural policy. The cultural policy
is supposed to optimize the relationships between the economic profit and the public utility. Optimizing the ambivalent nature that exists in the
cultural products and services is a complex task requiring both institutional and social maturity. Therefore the unity
of economic and cultural subjects is phenomenon of the modern history of economics,
and exists in the shape of the concrete national model of culture policy.
The influx of market
principles and the Third Sector change the range and the strategy of culture policy. In times of restrictive budgeting there is a general
tendency to reduction of direct budget expenditure and a search for alternative financing of culture and arts.
As the market model of financing and the mixed one come closer to each other,the goal is to establish a more realistic connection
between the income and the expenditure of subsidized organizations, and moreover, to avoid the emergence of
“uncompleted” markets of art forms at high fixed expenses.

 Project  T i m e t a b l e
Bilyana Tomova's  C V  (in PDF)
 Project  M e n t o r s:
Working Group Mentor - d-r Lidia Varbanova
Project Mentor - prof. d-r Pano Lulanski 
University of National and World Economy,  Sofia, Department of Social and Cultural  Management and Economics 
Project Mentor - Neviana Viatcheva 
Expert, International Relations - National Theater Center, Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria
    F e l l o w s h i p   F i n a l   R e p o r t s
Final  A c t i v i ty  Report  (in PDF )
Final  R e s e a r c h  Paper (in PDF )
Final  P o l i c y  Paper (in PDF )
P u b l i c a t i o n s
P r o j e c t   R e l e t e d   L i n k s (in PDF)


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last updated: January 31, 2006