Nonka Todorova


March 2004 - March 2005

1st and 2nd months - Analysis of the bibliographic sources on the studied problem available in the Bulgarian libraries and Internet. The research attention will be focused  on the analysis of the findings of sociological researches on public opinion relevant to religious tolerance and pluralism, religious-ethnic synthesis, State-Church relationships, etc.

3rd and 4th months - Contacts with persons and institutions / colleagues from the Universities in Belgrade,  Skopie, in Montenegro, with political and religious activists/ in the studied countries and business travels. Comparative analysis of legal documents regulating the relationship between State and Church in the studied countries with reference to the democratic project and its principles: religious tolerance, equality before the law, pluralism; analysis and interpretation of the parliamentary debates and documents relevant to the passing of the laws regulating State-Church relationship in the studied Balkan countries; meetings and interviews with religious and political activists.

5th and 6th months - Structuring and ranging of the collected information; emphasizing on the general and particular trends and problems within the group of the studied countries; business  travel to Spain in order to understand  the political experience in the studied sphere and  the public opinion and attitudes.

7th and 8th  months -  Analysis  of the collected materials; comparative analysis between the spirit and contents of the legal regulations in the studied countries on the one hand, and the two countries with rich policy experience in this sphere, Spain and France, on the other; registering the similarities and differences and preparing recommendations for democratic improvement of the legislature in our countries.

9th and 10th months - Preparing  a  written text  on the  basis of the collected materials and the comparative  analysis,  with recommendations to the basic subjects of and conditions for democratic orientations in the development of the religious sphere and the relationships between State and Church.

11th and 12th months - Translation and dissemination of the above  text among the addressed subjects: parliamentary commissions, government Departments of Religious Affairs, religious and political leaders, parties, media; publication of three papers in the academic and public journals; publication of a book with the final text of the Project, the recommendations, the legal materials, etc. collected during the business travels in the studied countries.