Name: Ivan Zhelev Dimitrov
Date of birth: 09. 09. 1944
Place of birth: Haskovo, Bulgaria
Nationality: Bulgarian
Address: Rakovski Str. 125, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Education: Theological Academy (graduated 1970), Classical Philology at the University of Sofia (graduated 1978)
Postgraduate studies: at the Universities of Sofia and Athens
Subject: in New Testament Studies
Thesis: The Archpriest’ Prayer of Jesus Christ (John 17 chap.)
Job experience: Teacher at the Theological Seminary of Sofia (1975-1980), Senior Lecturer of New Testament Greek and Latin at the Theological Academy of Sofia (1980-1986), Senior Lecturer (1981-1986) and Professor (1986- ) of New Testament (Isagogics and Exegetics) at the Theological Academy (in 1991 it became again Faculty of the University of Sofia), Visiting Professor of New Testament at the University of Munich, Germany (1997-1998), Visiting Professor of New Testament at the University of Veliko Turnovo (1991-2001 ), the University of Shumen (1992-1997), the University of Blagoevgrad (1994-1997) and the University of Plovdiv (2000- )
Languages: Bulgarian, Greek, Russian, German, English             
Administration experiences:  
1995-1999 vice-rector of the Sofia University
1989-1992 vice-dean of the Theological Academy/Faculty
2000 - dean of the Theological Faculty
2002 - director of the Directorate for Religious Affairs at the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria
Other experiences:    part-time Chief of the private cabinet of the Bulgarian Patriarch (1984-1988), Official translator of the Bulgarian Church for the Bulgarian-Greek Church relations, Official representative of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the Dialog with the Oriental Orthodox Churches, Representative of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the Pan-Orthodox Conferences and preparatory commissions (1976- ), Member of the Commission of Unit II of WCC (1994-1998)
Marital status: Married (1971), two sons
Status in the Church: Not ordained
Selected publications:
in Bulgarian
- The Archpriest’ Prayer of Jesus Christ (Exegetical analysis of John 17 chap.). Sofia 1995.
- Our Lord Jesus Christ - the Only New Testament’ Archpriest and Chief Shepherd. Sofia 1986.
In German
- Priestertum und Dienstamt (Ein Blick auf das Lima-Papier). - Das Priestertum in der Einen Kirche. Aschaffenburg 1985, 229-235.
- Athos – Bulgarien – Russland (Wechselbeziehungen in den Jahrhunderten). – Tausend Jahre zwischen Wolga und Rhein. Muenchen 1988, 176-184.
- Die Bibelwissenschaft als Disziplin der Orthodoxen Theologie im Kontext der deutschen Universitaet.- In: Orthodoxes Forum. Zeitschrift des Instituts fuer Orthodoxe Theologie der Universitaet Muenchen. 10. Jahrgang, 1996, Heft 1., 7-13.
- Bulgarische Uebersetzungen des Neuen Testaments in den letzten zwei Jahrhunderten.- In: EPITOAUTO. Studies in honour of Petr Pokorny on his sixty-fifth birthday, Praha 1998, 88-95.
- Die Kirche als “Haus Gottes” und “Leib Christi” in den paulinischen Schriften.- In: Orthodoxes Forum. Zeitschrift des Instituts fuer Orthodoxe Theologie der Universitaet Muenchen. 13. Jahrgang, 1999, Heft 2., 163-169.
- Moderne Bibeluebersetzungen in den Laendern des “Neuen Europa”. In: Orthodoxe Theologie zwischen Ost und West. Festschrift fuer Prof. Theodor Nikolaou. Frankfurt a.M. 2002, 143-153.