Curriculum Vitae of Zsolt Enyedi


current employment

Central European University, Political Science Department, position: Associate Professor



1998: Ph.D. in Political Science (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)

1994: M.A. in Political Science (Central European University, Budapest)

1993: M.A. in Sociology (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest)

1993: M. A. in History (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest)

1992: M. A. in Comparative Social Sciences (University of Amsterdam)


visiting positions, scholarships and awards:

2004: Rudolf Wildenmann Award

August 2002 – January 2003: visiting fellow at the Helen Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame, US

June-August 2000: visiting fellow at Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC, US

September 2000 – January 2001: visiting fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study (NIAS)

2000: Ferenc Erdei Award

1994-1995: visiting scholar at the University of Leiden, Political Science Department, The Netherlands


research interests

representativeness of political parties; party organization and party competition; Christian Democracy; authoritarianism, prejudices and political tolerance; pillarization; religion in electoral behavior; church and state relations; party finance.


community services and other academic activities

Secretary of the Political Behavior Division of the Hungarian Sociological Association

Individual and group mentor in the International Policy Fellowship program of OSI.

ECPR and EPSNet contact person at CEU.

Main organizer of the ECPR-CEU Conference “Institutionalization of Political Science in Eastern Europe”, Budapest, CEU, 19-21 May, 2000.

1996-1999 Member of the Presidium of Hungarian Political Science Association.

Principal convener and organizer of the Symposium „Authoritarianism and prejudices in an international and inter-generational perspective”, Budapest, CEU, 5-6 June, 1998


knowledge of languages

fluent both in speech and writing: Hungarian, English, Romanian

medium level: Estonian

basics: German, Dutch


professional memberships

Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom, Hungarian Political Science Association, Hungarian Sociological Association, International Society for Political Psychology


Publication Record



(with András Körösényi) Parties and Party Systems. Budapest: Osiris, 2001. 304 p. (Hungarian)

Politics in the Shadow of the Cross. Budapest: Osiris, 1998. 176 p. (Hungarian)


Edited books:

(with John Madeley) Church and State in Contemporary Europe. The Chimera of Neutrality. London: Frank Cass. 2003. 241 p. (English)

(This volume has been originally published as a special issue of the journal West European Politics, Vol. 26, No.1, January 2003.)

(with Ferenc Erős) Authoritarianism and Prejudice. Central European Perspectives. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. 306 p. (English)

(with Gábor Tóka) The 1994 Elections to the Hungarian Assembly. Berlin: Sigma. 1999. 317 p. (English)


Articles and chapters


In English:



Party Politics in Post-Communist Transition. In: William Crotty and Richard Katz (eds.) Handbook of Political Parties. Sage Publications.

Churches and the Consolidation of Democratic Culture: Difference and Convergence in the Czech Republic and Hungary (co-authored with Joan O’ Mahony), Democratization, 2004, vol. 11, (Accepted)

Ascendant, Yet Fragile (co-authored with Gábor Tóka) In: Stephen White, David Stansfield, and Paul Webb (eds.) Political Parties in Transitional Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, (Accepted)

Party Finance in Hungary. In: Daniel Smilov (ed.) Party Funding and Corruption in Eastern Europe, Budapest: CEU Press, 2003, (Accepted, publication in progress)




How core concepts travel? Teaching party politics in Eastern Europe. epsNet Kiosk Plus, 2003, vol. 1, no. 2, 87-90.

The Resistant Church. A book review of Hanna Diskin’s “The Seeds of Triumph. Church and State in Gomulka's Poland.” Religion in Eastern Europe, 2003, vol. XXIII, no. 5, 59-63.

Structure vs. Culture Again: Corporatism and the ‘New Politics’ in 16 Countries of Western Europe (co-authored with Bojan Todosijevic), European Journal of Political Research, 2003, vol. 42, no. 5, 629-642.

Authoritarianism vs. Cultural Pressure (with Bojan Todosijevic), Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 2002, vol. 40, no. 5, 31-54.

Authoritarianism and Prejudice in Present-Day Hungary (co-authored with Ferenc Erős and Zoltán Fábián) In: Karen Phalet and Antal Örkény (eds.) Ethnic Minority and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Context: A Dutch Hungarian Comparison. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002, 201-215.

Anti-Jewish Prejudice in Contemporary Hungary: A Socio-Psychological Causal Model (co-authored with Bojan Todosijevic), Social Thought and Research, 2002, vol. 24, 1-2, 313-342

The Contested Politics of Positive Neutrality in Hungary In: John Madeley and Zsolt Enyedi (eds.) Church and State in Contemporary Europe. The Chimera of Neutrality. London: Frank Cass, 2003, 157-176. (First published as article in West European Politics, Vol. 26, No.1, January 2003)

Emerging issues in the study of church and state relations In: John Madeley and Zsolt Enyedi (eds.) Church and State in Contemporary Europe. The Chimera of Neutrality. London: Frank Cass, 2003, 218-232. (First published as article in West European Politics, Vol. 26, No.1, January 2003)

Organization of Mass Political Attitudes in Hungary (with Bojan Todosijevic), Polish Psychological Bulletin, 2002. vol. 33, No. 1, 15-26.

Clerical and religious polarization in Hungary. In: David  Broughton and Hans-Martin Ten Napel (eds.) Religion and Mass Electoral Behaviour. London: Routledge. 2000, 157-176.

Causal Models of Antisemitism: Two Hungarian Studies. In: Enyedi-Erős (eds.) Authoritarianism and Prejudice. Budapest: Osiris.1999, 125-155.

Research on Authoritarianism: East and West compared. (co-authored with Ferenc Erős) In Enyedi and Erős (eds.) Authoritarianism and Prejudice. Budapest: Osiris.1999, 9-29.

Relationships between Authoritarianism and Political Affiliations. In: Zsolt Speder (ed.) Hungary in Flux: Society, Politics and Transformation. Hamburg: Krämer, 1999, 183-207. (Based on the 1996 Századvég article.)

Organizing a subcultural party in Eastern Europe. The case of the Hungarian Christian Democrats. Party Politics 1996/3, 377-396.

Hungarian Case Studies: The Alliance of Free Democrats and the Alliance of Young Democrats (with Magdolna Balázs). In: Paul Lewis (ed.) Party Structure and Organization in East-Central Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1996, 43-65.



In German:

“Erklärungsmodell des Antisemitismus: Zwei ungarische Meinungsumfragen” Jahrbüch für Antisemitismusforschung, 8, 1999, 228-247,


In Croatian:

The Power of the Weak: Political Parties in Hungary (co-authored with Gabor Toka), Politicka Misao, 2001, vol. 38, 2., p. 68–90.


In Romanian

Christian Democracy. In: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (ed.) Political Doctrines. Iasi: Polirom, 1998, 145-165.


In Serbian:

The meaning of authoritarianism: the role of aggressiveness, alienation, and anxiety. [Znacenje autoritarnosti: Uloga agresivnosti, alijenacije i anksioznosti.] (With Bojan Todosijevic) Pedagoška stvarnost, 2002., Vol. 49, No. 3-4, pp. 252-271.


In Hungarian:


Conservatism From Below (with Bojan Todosijevic), Századvég, 2002, 21, 1-35.

Presidentialization in Britain and in Hungary, Századvég, 2002, 22, 127-134.

The Purple Coalition in the Postmodern Kingdom. In: Janos Johancsik (ed.) Changing Role of Parties. Western European Experiences. Budapest: Villányi Úti Konferenciaközpont, 2002, 145-177.

Authoritarianism and Prejudice: New Hungarian Investigations (with Ferenc Erős and Zoltán Fábián). In: György Hunyadi and Nguyen Luu Lan Anh (eds.) Stereotype Research. Traditions and Orientations, Budapest: ELTE Eötvös, 2001, 391-402.

The Benelux Party System. Rubicon, 2002, Vol. 13, No. 4-5, 86-87.

Political Correlates of Authoritarianism. In: Janos Simon (ed.) Millennial Interpretations of Democracy, Political Culture, and Left and Right. Budapest: Villányi Úti Konferenciaközpont, 2001, 495-500.

Prejudice and authoritarianism among the youth. (Co-authored with Ferenc Erős and Zoltan Fabian) In: Kalman Gabor (ed.) Social Change and the Youth. Freedom as Opportunity. Szeged: Belvedere, 2000, 161-171. Re-published in Béla Bauer (ed.)  Süsü in Society. A Social Science Reader. Új Mandátum - ELTE TÖFK, Bp. 2000, 197-202.

Parties and Party Systems in Political Science. In: Kalman Kulcsar, Jozsef Bayer and Andras Gergely (ed.) Faces of Political Science. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 2000, 181-223.

Party System Institutionalization and Regime Consolidation. Politikatudományi Szemle, 1998/3, 5-33.

The Hungarian Political System - From a Short Distance, Politikatudományi Szemle, 1998/4, 149-155.

Authoritarianism and political-ideological affiliations. Századvég. 1996, 2, 135-155. Reprinted in: Ferenc Erős (ed.) Learning, prejudice and identity. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 1998.

Introduction to Political Science. Politikatudományi Szemle, 1997/4, 143-148.

The rationality of non-rational parties. Politikatudományi Szemle 1995/3, 139-155.

War of numbers? (with Zoltán Fleck) Beszélő, 1995/9, 23-26. 

The development of the Catholic-Christian subculture. Politikatudományi Szemle, 1995/4, 27-50. 

Pillar and subculture. A possible conceptual framework for cultural-political divisions.   Politikatudományi Szemle 1993/4, 31-50.


Working papers

Political Tolerance in Hungary  (co-authored with Bojan Todosijevic), CEU Working Papers, 13, 2001, 41 p. (English)

Political Tolerance Codebook  (co-authored with Bojan Todosijevic), CEU Working Papers, 14, 2001, 77 p. (English)

Hungarian Conservatism 2000 (co-authored with Bojan Todosijevic), Institute for Political Science Working Papers, 21, 2001, p. 75. (English)

Parties in Political Science. Working Papers. Budapest: MTA PTI, 1997. (Hungarian)

Authoritarianism and the Ideological Spectrum in Hungary (with Ferenc Erős and Zoltán Fábián) Discussion Papers. Budapest: Collegium Budapest/Institute for Advanced Study. 1997. (English)

Prejudices Against Gypsies, Jews and Authoritarianism: Documentation of a Survey. (with Ferenc Erős, Zoltán Fábián, Zoltán Fleck and Fruzsina Albert) Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1997. (English)