My name is Nonka Bogomilova Todorova.

I was born at 10.08.1952 in town of Kyustendil, Bulgaria.

Nationality:  Bulgarian

Office address: Institute for Philosophical Research; 6, Blvd. P.Evtimii: Sofia 1000, Bulgaria; tel.: 3592/ 9810791  


Fields of research interests:

       - Philosophical Anthropology; Anthropology of Religion ; Identities;  Religion and   Politics in the Balkan Countries

Degrees and academic ranks:

       -     Institute for Philosophical Research – Dr.Habil, January 1997 ; “ Cultural Sacralization of Power”

-     Institute for Philosophical Research – Ph.D., January, 1984;”Dialectics of Religious and Aesthetic  Consciousness

-          Sofia UniversityKl.Ohridski” – B. A. in Philosophy and Psychology, 1974

Academic employment

-          December 2003 –  Chairman of “Philosophical Anthropology” Department of the IFR

-          January 2004 – Editor in Chief  of “Philosophical Alternatives” magazine

      -     January 1997   Senior Research Associate at the Dept. of Anthropology of the Institute for Philosophical Research

-     November 1984 – December 1996: Research Associate at the same Institute

-     November 1974 – October 1984 – Expert at the same Institute

Lecturer experience:

-     1995 – Part-time lecturer at the New Bulgarian University, Dept. of Political Studies and Dept. of the History of Europe and the Balkans; Course title “Philosophy of History. Anthropological vision”

-          2001- 2003: Part time lecturer at the Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Dept.of Philosophy, course title “The Modern Man – Religious-Philosophical Problems”

Participation in founded Research projects:


The Eastern Orthodoxy: Politics and Mentality” – Central European University, Prague – 1991-1993

Democratic Structuring of Church-State Relations in Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, and Macedonia: Monopoly or Market Relations” – International Policy Fellowship at the Open Society Institute, Budapest – 2004-2005


“The New Political Elite” – Ministry of Science and Education of R. of Bulgaria, 1992-1993

“Identities” – International Center for Minorities Studies and Intercultural Relations, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1994-1995

“The Universal and the National in the Bulgarian Culture  - International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, Sofia – 1995-1996

Awards, scholarly or other distinctions::

Nomination for the “Jean Scott  L’Erigene” Prize of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research  - Geneve, on “ Cultural Origins of Diffårences in Development” – April, 1996

Grant of Ford Foundation,  USA -  title of the paper :” Political-ethnic particularization of Religion” to be presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion – October,  1998 Montreal

Professional membership:

-     Bulgarian Union of Scientists

-          International Society for the Sociology of Religion /ISSR/

-          International Society for the Scientific Study of Religion in Central and Eastern Europe

Specializations abroad:

-          Interuniversity course “The Future of Religion” at the Interuniversity Center in Dubrovnik, Croatia – 1990-2001 / April, 20-30/

-          First and Second “Summer School on the Religions in Europe in Florence, Italy – 1994-1995 /Àugust- September/, organized by the Italian Association for the Sociology of Religion

Command  of foreign languages:

-     English – excellent

-     French -  good

-     Russian – excellent

Hobby – Poetry, Music



                                              SELECTED  PUBLICATIONS




Longing for the Absolute, Sofia, 1994,, ed. Union of  Scientists

The Religion – Spirit and Institution, Sofia, 1999, ed. “Prof. M.Drinov “ Academic Publishing House

Vitality forthcoming  2005, , ed. “Prof. M.Drinov “ Academic Publishing House

Religion, Law, Politics in the Balkans, Sofia, 1995 /forthcoming/



Identities  /co-author with   A.Krasteva,  I. Katzarski, P.Makariev /, Sofia, 1995 , ed. International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations  /ICMSIR/

The Universal and  the National in the Bulgarian Culture /co-author with A. Krasteva, N. Dimitrova, I. Katzarski /, Sofia, 1996, ed. ICMSIR




Religion between the Convicting and Understanding Philosophical Alternatives N2, 1993

What is the Philosophical Research, v.3, Sofia, 1993

Religion and Nation, in: Philosophical Alternatives, 1994, N 4  / Sofia

The New Political Elite in Bulgaria in:  The New Political Elite, Sofia, 1994, ed. SOPHILOS

Religion: Way of Use, in: East – East, 1995, N 16-17 /Sofia /

Religion, in: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology, Sofia, 1996, ed.  Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Le role de la religion dans la Bulgarie contemporaine, in: La Bulgarie: une transition menacee, EDES, Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1996

L’Ortodossia in Bulgaria oggi. Atese e realta in: Religioni e Societa,N25, 1996 , Torino, / in Italian/

Utopia and Power, in: Philosophical Alternatives, N1, 1997

The Religion and the Politics: Contacts and Conflicts. – in: Philosophical Alternatives N3, 1997

The Sacred, the Time and the Everyday Consciousness in Eastern Europe,  in: Il tempo a il sacro nelle societa post-industriali, Milano, 1997 , ed. A.Nesti, P.De Marco, A. Iacopozzi /in English/

The Nationalization of Christianity and the Bulgarian Problem, in: Gradina, 1997, N12, Nis, R. of Yugoslavia  / in Serbian/

The Incarnated Absolute:  Philosophical and  Dogmatic Ideas. – in: Religion, Culture, Humanism. Sofia, 1997

Orthodoxy and the National Question, in:  The Society and the  Sacred,  1997,  N9, Kiev, /in Ukrainian/

Religion in Contemporary New Religious Phenomena in Central and Eastern Europe, Krakow, 1997 /ed. I.Borowik, G.Babinski/ ; in English

Religion und Sozialer Wandel in Bulgarien, in: Religioser Wandel in den postkommunistischen Landern Ost-und Mitteleuropas, Ergon, Wurzburg, 1998; ed. D.Pollack, I.Borowik, W.Jagodzinski,  in German

The Democracy in the Bulgarian Political Tradition, in: The Social Problems of the Transition, V.Turnovo, 1998

The New Religions in Bulgaria. in: Philosophy N1, 1998

Religion and the  Cultural-historical Archetypes  in: Facta Universitatis, vol.2, N6,1999, /University of Nis, R.of Yugoslavia, in English/

Religion, Nation, Civilization, in: The Religion and the Church in Bulgaria, Sofia, 2000, ed. Gutenberg Publishing House

The Political-ethnic Particularization of Christianity at the End of the Millennium, in:  Christianity, Society, Politics; Belgrade, R. of Yugoslavia, 2000, ed. YUNIR /in English/

Religion and the Anthropological Antinomies. –in: The Anthropological Research, v.2, Sofia, 2000 /ed. New Bulgarian University/

Our Philosophy: Vitality or Mortality, in: Philosophical Alternatives, N1-2, 2002

The Interdependent World: Two Views, in: The Paradoxes of the Global World, Sofia, 2002, ed. EON

Bulgarishe Orthodoxie nach der “Wende”, in: Glaube in der 2.Welt, 2002 /30, N2   / Zurich, in German/

The Religion of the Social Outcast /Problems of the Bulgarian Romani Religion/.in: The Religion of the Roma people, YUNIR, Nis, 2003, in English

Eastern Orthodoxy: The New Age and the Old Myths. – in: Eastern Orthodoxy and the Contemporary Europe. Ed. J.Sutton and W.den Bercken, Peeters,Paris-Louven-Dudley, 2003 /in English/

The Religious “Revival” in the Post-communist Countries”., in: Teme, N3,  2003, Nis, Serbia, ed. YUNIR /in English/

The Legal Status of the New Religious Movements in Bulgaria. In: - New Religious Movements in Contemporary Europe, ed. Center for Religious Studies, Slovakia ,2003,

Religion and the Human Relationships, in: The Philosophy and the Eastern Orthodoxy, Blagoevgrad, 2004

The Religion and the  Global Changes in Bulgaria, in: Bulgaria and the Global Changes,   ed.V.Prodanov, Global Scholarly Publications, New York, 2004

Reflections on the Contemporary Religious “Revival” - reprint, in: Religion in Eastern Europe, vol.24, N 4, 2004

Some Present-day Problems of State-Church Relationships in Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, and Bulgaria: the Legal Texts and the Social-political Context, in:  Teme N1-2, 2005

The Legal Status of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria and the European  Standards, in: Religion in Multi-confessional and Multiethnic Society”, University of Novi sad, Serbia, 2005, in English 

State and Church Relationships in Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, and Bulgaria – Political and Legal Developments, in: Religion and Politics, ed.of the South-Eastern University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria , 2005,  in Bulgarian

The Humane Soul and the Human Society in the Global World Religions, in: Religion and Globalization,YUNIR, Nis, 2005 /In English



Participations and Presentations of Papers  at the International Conferences, Congresses, etc.


Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion /SSSR/  - Raleigh, USA, 1993

XXII International Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion /ISSR/Budapest, Hungary, 1993

Orthodoxy and the European CultureVarna, Bulgaria, 1993

The Nationalism and the Collective IdentitySofia, 1994

The Time and the Sacred in the Postindustrial Societies – Second Summer School on the Religions in Europe, Florence, Italy, 1995

Religion, Democracy, YouthBerlin, Germany, 1995

Saint John Rilski and the Culture of the Middle Age EuropeSofia, October, 1996

The Religion and the Church in Bulgaria Sofia, 1997

Ethnic, Religious and Confessional Relationships on the Balkans – YUNIR, Nis,R. of Yugoslavia,1997

XXIV Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of ReligionToulouse, France, 1997

Eastern Orthodoxy and the European Metaphysics -  Rila Monastery, 1997, Bulgaria

33 World Congress of the International Institute of SociologyCologne, Germany, 1997

Church-State Relations in Central and Eastern EuropeKrakow, Poland, 1997

Religion and Civil Society / International Round Table/– Belgrade, R.of Yugoslavia, 1998 

The Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of ReligionMontreal, Canada, 1998

Islam and the Human Rights in the Post-communist CountriesBistriza, Bulgaria, 1999

Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion /ASR/ - 2000,Washington DC, USA

Eastern Orthodoxy and the Contemporary Europe – 2001, Leeds, England

The Changing Balkans: the Role of Historical Myths – 2002, Sarajevo, BIH

Roma Religious Culture – 2003, Nis, Serbia

Challenges Facing Philosophy in the United Europe International Philosophical School, Varna, 2004

International Conference “Religion in Multi-confessional and Multiethnic Society” – University in Novi sad, Serbia and Montenegro, May 16, 2005

International conference “Religion and Politics” – South-Western University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, June 3-4, 2005

International Conference “Religion and Globalization” in Nis, Serbia, June 24-26, 2005