NonkaTodorova Democratic Structuring of Church-State
Relations in Bulgaria, Serbia
and Montenegro, and Macedonia:
Monopoly or Market Relations

2004 Fellowship
Project Proposal
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Project Objective Picture

This project is supported by the International Policy Fellowships program of the Open Society Institute-Budapest. 

The research project is aimed at analysing the state and prognosticating the near prospects of the structuring and democratic development of the sphere of religion in Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, and Macedonia in terms of:

»  The legal status of the separate confessions as laid down in the respective Constitutions and Laws of Religious Confessions in these countries; 

»  The political interests and political will of which parties, represented in Parliament, are reflected in the Law on Religious Confessions;

»  The public social-psychological environment out of which this legal regulation of state-church relationships stems and in which it operates;

»  The causes for the observed public and political attitudes;

»  The basic subjects of and conditions for democratic orientations in the development of the religious sphere and the relationships between state and Church.

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