International Policy Fellowships


Victoria Antonova
Alexey Gunya
Eduard Ponarin
Azamat Temirkulov

  Group Advisors

Stephen Kotkin
Vadim Volkov

  Soros Network Initiatives

Soros Foundation Related Programs

  Combating Open Society Threats

Advocacy Organizations

  Annotated Papers

Relevant Publications

Combating Open Society Threats

The recent wave of democratization in countries of the former Soviet Union has reopened an examination about the effective role of civil society in such transitions. With increasing authoritarian trends in some environments (Russia, Kazakhstan) and reinforced despotism in others (Belarus, Uzbekistan), policy level consideration on the contributing factors influencing open society is of great importance. Research undertaken by this working group attempts to examine social change within specific country contexts and provide policy recommendations aimed at the promotion of democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform within these societies. Creatively framing a policy research agenda that focuses on a specific variant of social change will be key.

Fellow projects in 2006:

  • Victoria Antonova, Russia :
    Diversity Management and Concepts of Multiculturalism in Russia.
  • Alexey Gunya, Russia :
    From Democracy to Disorder? Comparative Analysis of Governance Strategies in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachai-Cherkessia (North Caucasus).
  • Eduard Ponarin, Russia :
    Challenges to Open Society in Tatarstan.
  • Azamat Temirkulov, Kyrgyzstan :
    "Traditional" Social Legacies, State Building and Democratization: The Case of Kyrgyzstan.
  •   Fellow Activities and Publications

      2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy

      2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Combating Organized Crime
    Transparency and Accountability
    Higher Education Reform
    Public Health and Roma
    Policymaking in Transition
  June 2006