International Policy Fellowships


Kelderari Roma, Russia
Maria-Carmen Pantea
Tatjana Peric
Raluca Maria Popa

  Group Advisor

Olivier De Schutter

  Soros Network Initiatives

Soros Foundation Related Programs

  Roma Exclusion

Advocacy Organizations

  Annotated Papers

Relevant Publications

Roma Exclusion

The Decade of Roma Inclusion represents one of the touchstone recent documents in Europe aimed at ending discrimination against the continents largest minority. Nine countries have signed the agreement from 20052015 to guarantee demonstrable progress in four principal areas: education, health, housing, and employment. While different institutions, including OSI, are engaged in developing and monitoring policies in these principal areas, there is nonetheless a need for systematic analysis and oversight as to how these goals are (or are not) being achieved, and how the Decade could tackle policy challenges beyond purely sectoral issues.

Fellow projects in 2006:

  • Maria-Carmen Pantea, Romania :
    Current Challenges for the Elimination of Roma Child Labor in Eastern Europe and the Need for Child-Centered Roma Policies.
  • Tatjana Peric, Serbia & Montenegro :
    A Gendered View of the Decade of Roma Inclusion.
  • Raluca Maria Popa, Romania :
    The Accountability of EU Funding to Romani Womens Issues and Priorities: Achieving the Goals of the Decade for Roma Inclusion at the European Level.
  • Kelderari Roma, Russia :
    Combating the Discrimination and Exclusion of Kelderari Roma in Russia.
  •   Fellow Activities and Publications

      2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy

      2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Combating Organized Crime
    Transparency and Accountability
    Higher Education Reform
    Public Health and Roma
    Policymaking in Transition
  June 2006