IPF   Lavinia Olmazu
Exodus or invasion? “The Culture of Poverty” and East-West Roma migration  
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  Mariyana Radeva, “East-West Migration in the Context of an Enlarging European Union: New Opportunities and New Challenges”, (Un) Freedom of Movement: Migration Issues in Europe, July 2004. This article aims to address the anxieties accompanying EU enlargement regarding east-west migration. Based on historical analysis, case study and migration indicators, she finds that fear of immigrant “flooding” is largely unfounded, stemming primarily from subjective views of labor markets. Furthermore, she views east-west migration not as an obstacle to enlargement, but rather as a tool for greater integration.
  “Migration, Asylum, and Roma Rights Policy: A 3-part basis for good governance,” Roma Rights: Fortress Europe, 2/2002. This article provides an overview of policy towards Roma movement: asylum and refugee seekers, inter-state migrants, and itinerants. It outlines a series of cases through which the ERRC expresses its concern over “Fortress Europe”, a phenomenon limiting especially the movement of Roma, with a critical focus on anti-Romani discrimination.

www.policy.hu www.soros.org www.ceu.hu/cps February 2006