IPF   Gaso Knezevic
University Model Law and Policy Study  
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  Morgan, Anthony. W (2004): “Higher Education Reform in the Balkans”. This article focuses on this common ground and the resulting reforms in one Balkan nation, Macedonia, and it places the changes in the broader context of the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Russia. I make my observations based on my involvement in projects in Macedonia for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank. Morgan also draws on his extensive work in Eastern Europe and with the Salzburg Seminar, an organization established in 1947 to promote global dialogue on issues of international concern. Essentially this paper argues that he Bologna Process lays out a blueprint for European-wide reform of colleges and universities and examines whether it can surmount existing traditions and structures in Macedonia?
  The Republic Of Montenegro “ Higher Education Reform in Montenegro and Bologna Process: Review of Achievements”. This paper analyses the Republic of Montenegro’s commitment to implementing the Bologna Process and replacing the rigid structures that were set in motion during state-socialist times. The desire to harmonize its academic apparatus with those of European Higher Education Institutes. Primarily. This report functions as an explanatory device on how internal and external forces led Montenegro’s only university to embrace the process. The report assesses that another appealing feature is that it provides for the creation of private higher education which would eventually mean that it would have a partner with who they would both be able to cater for the needs of a developing society.
  Student Alliance of Belgrade (2005): “Bologna Process in Serbia from a student’s perspective.” This is an insightful report on the rights of the students within the Bologna process which concludes that even though they have some minor representation in the educational bodies in fundamental terms when it come to the Higher Education Institute they are enrolled in the power is greater. They even have say in the quality procedure assurance but there is also a downside which in this case is severe as tuition fees are considered really high.
  University Strategy for implementing the BP in Serbia. This is a user friendly Microsoft power point presentation which aims to display the strategies for organizing and implementing the Bologna Process.
  Bibliography on the Balkans and Higher Education An extensive list of recent articles on the subject of Higher education reform and Europeanization in the Balkan region.
  “Western Balkans Education and Higher Education Policy” 9th Conference of European Education Ministers, 2006. The EU Education Ministers see the Lisbon Agenda as the main driving force for education reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans as well. The process of integrating the region into the European Area of Education is well underway, but requires sustainable support and commitment at national, regional and EU levels. The adoption of European standards in the field of education and training in the countries of the Western Balkans is vital. This report analyses the current situation, the progress made and what needs to be done in the future.

www.policy.hu www.soros.org www.ceu.hu/cps February 2006