IPF   Sophia Howlett
The Bologna Process in the former Soviet Union
Context and background
 ▪ Soros network initiatives
Education Support Initiative
International Higher Education
Scholarship Programs
IPF initiative
OSI Russia
IEP Budapest
 ▪ Relevant initiatives worldwide
USAID Russia
EUROPA Education and Taining
National Information Centre on academic Recognition and mobility
 ▪ Annotated papers
The Bologna Process from a Central European Perspective
Implementing the Bologna Process in Georgia
Reconstructing the Doctorate
Bibliography on Higher Education
 Project objectives
  • to study four diverse approaches to the Bologna Process as found in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan (within the context of a common higher education past)
  • examine the ideological positioning ofthese countries in relation to the EHEA and its consequences
  • explore the collaboration and/or collision of different higher education frameworks and the impact of participant countries that are both ‘in’ and ‘out’ on the EHEA
  • in coordination with the group advisor, write a research paper and a 20-page policy study for the relevant ministries and the primary implementers of the Bologna Process in Western Europe on how to best focus higher education reform efforts within the context of the former Soviet Union.
  • write a research paper and a 20-page policy study for the relevant ministries and the primary implementers of the Bologna Process in Western Europe on how to best focus higher education reform efforts within the context of the former Soviet Union.
  •  Fellow Website

     Fellow activities & publications

    Sophia Howlett’s personal web page is now fully accessible with interesting links to her IPF and SEP activities.
    The IPF policy paper is expected in April 2006.
     The fellow

    Curriculum vitae
    Research proposal
     2005 Working Groups

    2005 Working Group Summary
    Democratic Governance
    Wider Europe
    Public Health and Roma
    Policy Making
    Combatting Organized Crime
    Higher Education Reform
    Open Society in Former SU
    Open Society and Muslims
     2006 Working Groups

    2006 Working Group Summary
    Wider Europe
    Open Muslim Societies
    Open Society Threats
    Resource Curse
    Roma Exclusion
    Open Information Policy

    www.policy.hu www.soros.org www.ceu.hu/cps January 2006