art historian, curator


1997       Contemporary Art in the Context of Museums, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria
1994-      PhD studies in Art History, Thesis: Originality and Appropriation, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
1994        M.A. in Art History Thesis: Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills (1978-80), ELTE, Budapest
1993        M.A. in Literature and Linguistics, Thesis: Language and Visual Art (Richard Long) ELTE, Budapest

2000-1     International Policy Fellowship, Open Society Institute, Budapest
1996-7     Hungarian State Eotvos Grant (3+3 months at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam)
1994-97   Erno Kallai Art Critic Scholarschip, Ministry of Culture and Education, Budapest, Hungary

1999-      Director, Grand Turizmo Art Consulting, Budapest, Hungary
1997-      Director, Institute of Contemporary Art - Dunaujvaros, Hungary
1998-9    Lecturer, Academy of Fine Art, Intermedia Department, Budapest, Hungary
1994-96  Visual arts program coordinator, Soros Center  for Contemporary Arts - Budapest, Hungary
1994       Curator, Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle), Budapest, Hungary

2000     Does contemporyry art need museums anymore? CIMAM General meeting, Budapest (E)
1998     Art and its mediation in the Western and Eastern European counties, IFA, Stuttgart, Germany (E)
             Contemporary Art in the Context of Museums: The ICA-D,
             Institute für Kulturwissenschaft, Wien, Austria (E)
1997      Who by Fire?, The Institutional Frame of Art in Central  Europe, ICA-D (E)

CURATORIAL (selection)
1999    Christoph Draeger-Martin Frei (CH): Yellow and Red, ICA-D
            ARITMIA 7, ICA-D
            Public District, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústi nad Labem, Czech Republic
1998    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, ICA-D
            Nicolas Baginsky (D): Killer Mosquitos, ICA-D
            Total Recall (János Kosa and András Kapitány), ICA-D

PUBLICATIONS (selection)
1999    Selbportrat einer Geberation - Orientierungspunkte zur ungarischen bildenden Kunst der neuziger Jahre,
            in. Die zweite Öffenktlichkeit, Kunst in Ungarn im 20. jahrhundert,  Knoll - Verlag der Kunst, Dresden (D)
            Soft Confrontation, in. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, cat., ICA-D (H, E)
1998     ...and the background, in. White Flags, Knoll Gallery (H)
 1997   Milieu et l'ego. From Frame to Frame, in. Jenseits von Kunst (edited by Peter Weibel) pp.606-607. (D)
            Memories (on Mirjam Staub's art), in No.3. Mirajam Staub: Emlékek/Memories, cat., ICA-D (H, E)
            Notes on the project of Antal Lakner and Georg Winter,
            in. UGAR, cat., Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (H, D)
            Three spaces (Notes on the art of/from the margin)   in. ISLAND - OTOK,
            Visual Arts Library, Meandar-SCCA-Zagreb, 1997 (E, CR)

ICA-D               = Institute of Contemporary Art - Dunaujvaros, Hungary
H / E / D / CR     = language of publications, lectures (H-Hungarian, E-English, D-German, CR-Croatian)
cat.                      = catalogue