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Month 1  
Administrative arrangements
Detailed planning and preparation of a workplan
Month 2    
Literature review
Initial contacts and scheduling of interviews
Initial discussion of the research topic and approach with CEU experts
Month 3    
Preparation of questions, topics of discussion for the interviews
First interviews/visits made
Collection of publicly available documents
Months 4-5    
Further interviews/visits
Initial processing of collected information
Months 6-8    
Processing and analysing the collected information
Month 9    
First draft summary of the context and general practice of  local environmental management in Hungary
Presentation and discussion at a seminar of the preliminary findings
Month 10    
Analysing the application of strategic environmental management tools in a systematic manner
First draft summary of the particular practice in Hungary
Month 11    
Formulation of initial recommendations for policy-makers at the national and local level
Discussion of the draft recommendations with selected policy-makers and researchers
Month 12    
Finalisation of the research report and recommendations
Final presentation and evaluation of the project results
Consultations with CEU/LGI professional staff
Library research
Attendance of CEU departmental seminars