Péter Szabó

Management of Mixed Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites in East-Central Europe: A Case Study of Visegrád

Draft Policy Paper

NB. The policy paper resulting from my work – as agreed with my Individual and Group Mentors – will be a management plan for the Tentative World Heritage listed site of the Medieval Royal Seat and Parkland in Visegrád, Hungary. At the moment, it would be pointless to write up lengthy pieces of this work, which would inevitably change during research. The structure of the work, however, is already available, and is presented briefly below.


Detailed overview

1. Introduction

1.1. Significance of the site

1.2. Role of the proposed world heritage status for the site

1.3. Role and function of the Management Plan

2. The environment of the site

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Identifying data for the parkland and palace garden

2.3. Buffer zone and boundary of the core zone

3. Necessity of the Management Plan

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Objectives and tasks of the Management Plan

4. Status of existing management plans

4.1. Management plan for tourism

4.2. Management for the National Park

4.3. Management plan for Visegrád town

4.4. Management plan for the museum

4.5. Management plan for the Pilis Parkforestry

5. Data and research

5.1. Sources of data necessary for management of the world heritage site

5.2. Research strategy for the submitted site

6. Conservation and development of the submitted site

6.1. Description of the existing status

6.2. Regulation of development and construction

6.3. Protection of archaeological sites and finds within the proposed area

6.4. Protection of the forests within the proposed area

7. Management and conservation of the built-up environment of the submitted site

7.1. Problems of Visegrád town

7.2. Future of Visegrád tow

8. Management and conservation of the natural environment of the submitted site

8.1. Problems of the National Park

8.2. Future of nature conservation in the area

9. Public presentation, tourism and transportation

9.1. Heritage tourism in the service of Visegrád's development

9.2. Description of the present state of presentation

9.3. Strategy for future presentation of the site

9.4. Suggested access roads to the site

9.5. Measures for maximising local advantages

9.6. Marketing strategy

10. Management action plan

10.1. Introduction

10.2. Management Plan steering committee for the submitted site

10.3. Co-ordination unit for the submitted site

10.4. Co-operation -maintaining relationships concerning the management

10.5. Communication, information

10.6. Co-ordinating organisation of the submitted site

10.7. Acceptance of the Management Plan

11. Supplements: documents, maps

12. Joint declaration on the nomination of Visegrád for the WH List Declaration of Intent

to be signed by

- the Government of the Republic of Hungary represented by the relevant agency
- the King Matthias Museum of Visegrád, represented by Mátyás Szőke, director of the museum,
- the Department of Medieval Studies at the Central European University, Budapest, represented by József Laszlovszky, Head of Department
- the Local Government of the City of Visegrád, represented by the Mayor of the town of Visegrád
- the Duna-Ipoly National Park represented by the director the Pilis Parkforestry represented by the director