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International Policy Fellowship

Project title: Desegregating Roma schools: a cost-benefit analysis for Romania

Name of applicant: Mihai Surdu

Affiliation: Institute for Research of the Quality of Life



Duration of project: 1.03.2002 – 1.03.2003


1.      Research session: 1.03.2002 – 1.06.2002

2.      Secondary analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; statistic simulation: 1.05.2002 – 1.10.2002

3.      Preliminary findings – interim report: 1.10.2002

4.      Delphi method research: 1.10.2002 – 1.12.2002

5.      Workshop with experts in the period 1.12.2002 – 7.12.2002

6.      Elaborating recommendation for desegregation strategy: 1.12.2002 – 1.01.2003

7.Elaborating final report: 1.01.2003 – 25.02.2003

8.Press conference in the period 25.02.2003 – 1.03.2003


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