

Coordinator of School as Ghetto. Systemic Overrepresentation of Roma in Special Education in Slovakia, Roma Education Fund, 2009,

Coordinator and co author of The impact analysis of affirmative action for Roma in vocational, secondary and higher education in Romania, The Gallup Organization Romania and Roma Education Fund,2009,

Co-author of The impact of Legislation and Policies on school segregation of Romani children, European Roma Rights Centre, Budapest, 2007,

Article Key issues and approaches in Roma education in ENARgy, European Network against Racism, February 2010,

Consultant for the regional study Equal access to quality education for Roma, vol 1 and 2, Open Society Institute, Budapest,  2007, vol. 1 and vol.2—

Consultant for the regional study Breaking the cycle of exclusion. Roma children in South East Europe, UNICEF Serbia, Belgrade, 2007,

Co author of Encyclopaedia of Social Development (Enciclopedia Dezvoltarii Sociale), C. Zamfir, S.M. Stanescu ed., Polirom Publishing House, Iasi, 2007

Coordinator of the research report Broadening the Agenda. The Status of Romani Women in Romania., Open Society Institute, New York, 2006,

Co-author of the report Casatoria si sarcina timpurie in comunitatile de romi (Early Marriage and Pregnancy in Roma Communities), UNICEF, CEDU 2000+, Ro Media, 2005

Desegregating Roma Schools in Romania, chapter in Separate and Unequal - Combating Discrimination against Roma Education, ed. E. Rekosh, M. Sleeper, Public Interest Law initiative / Columbia University Kht., 2004,

The Quality of Education in Romanian Schools with High Percentages of Romani Pupils, Roma Rights Review, no.3-4/ 2003, European Roma Rights Center, Budapest,

Segregarea romilor in educatie. Distanta fizica sau sociala? (Segregation of Roma in the educational system. Physical or social distance?), Arves Publishing House, Craiova, 2003

Desegregating Roma schools. A cost-benefit analysis, policy paper, Arves Publishing House, Craiova, 2003

Probleme ale unor scoli din mediul rural. Un model centrat pe increderea in scoala, (Rural schools problems. An explanation focusing on trust), Revista Calitatea Vietii, no.2/2003

Coordinator of Roma Children School Participation. Problems, solutions, actors, Ministry of Education and Research, Institute for Educational Sciences, The Institute for Quality of Life, Bucharest 2002, MarLink Publishing House, (English and Romanian versions)

Co-author of Indicatori privind comunitatile de romi din Romania (Indicators regarding Roma communities from Romania), The Institute for Quality of Life, Expert Publishing, Bucharest, 2002 (English and Romanian versions, pdf. on

Roma access to the labour market, A policy Paper, Echosoc, Catalactica, Open University Subotica, Bucharest, 2001,

Social protection measures for the Roma population, A Policy Paper, Echosoc, Catalactica, Open University Subotica, Bucharest, 2001,

Educational policies for Roma population in Romania, research report presented for Research Support Scheme, Prague, 2000

Co-author of the study Studiu de caz privind problemele sociale ale romilor din Calvini (Case Study regarding social problems of Roma communities from Calvini village), in Than Rromano, no. 4-5/2000

Co-author of research report Invatamantul rural din Romania: conditii, probleme si strategii de dezvoltare (Education in rural areas in Romania: conditions, problems, development strategies), Ministry of National Education and Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest, 2000 (second edition 2002), English and Romanian versions

Co-author of the book Verdammt zu Marginalitat? Die Roma in Rumanien (Convicted to exclusion? Roma in Romania), Verlag InterGraf, Resita, 2000

Co-author of the report Copiii romi din Romania (Roma Children in Romania), Save the Children - UNICEF, 1999

Co-author of the report Studiu national privind situatia copiilor strazii din Romania (National Study regarding street children situation in Romania) Save the Children - UNICEF, 1998-1999

Co-author of the study Situatia sociala a romilor din judetul Buzau (Social situation of Roma in Buzau county), article in Social Research Review no.3-4 / 1998

Article Efecte ale conditionarii alocatiei pentru copii de prezenta scolara asupra copiilor romi (Effects on Roma pupils of conditioning child allowance by school attendance) in Quality of Life Review, 1998