Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland - comparative analysis

This research project is carried out with support and guidance of two mentors:

Rector of University of Arts, Belgrade

Rector of University of Arts in Belgrade, prof. Milena Dragicevic-Sesic is a widely recognized expert on cultural policy and cultural management issues. A member of many international bodies (Association Internationale des sociologues de langue francaise, the International association for cultural economics, Council of administration: European Diploma in Cultural Project Management - Foundation Marcel Hicter, etc.), the Chair of the Arts and Culture Sub-Board, OSI – Budapest, as well as a member of various editorial boards, Milena Dragicevic-Sesic has been actively involved in the sociology of culture and cultural policy field for nearly 20 years. Visiting professor and external examiner in numerous higher education institutions all over Europe (Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Poland, Finland, Hungary, Macedonia, etc.), is also a consultant in national and international projects in the fields of cultural policy development, urban culture strategies, rural area cultural activities and cultural tourism.

Her books and articles, translated into several languages, cover wide range of contemporary culture issues, including cultural policy, role of culture and media in modern society, multiculturalism, urban culture, professional development of cultural managers, cultural management education, etc.

Jagiellonian University, Cracow

Prof. Emil Orzechowski, the Director of the School of Cultural Management at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, has been involved in the cultural policy field for several years. His research and teaching activities focus on issues of cultural policy in the transitional societies, as well as on the education for management in cultural sector. Visiting professor in European and American universities (Uppsala University, Salzburg University, Free University Berlin, SUNY at Buffalo, Stanford, University of Connecticut, University of Rochester, NY, etc.), and external examiner in various higher education institutions, he is also actively involved in the cultural policy process in Poland, through a series of expertise and policy papers written for the Ministry of Culture, regional authorities, and municipalities.

His publications include books and articles on entrepreneurship in culture, cultural policy analysis, theatre management, and the public sector management education.

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updated 17 May 2003