Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland - comparative analysis

Selected bibliography

Adams, D., Goldbard, A., Basic Concepts: Modes and Means of Cultural Policy Making, Webster’s World of Cultural Policy, 1995,

Bardach, E., The Eight-Step Path of Policy Analysis, Berkeley, 1996.

Barsdate, K., Information Sources for State-Level Arts Policy. Briefing Paper. National Assembly of State Arts Agencies,

Boylan, P., Survey on institutions and centres providing training for cultural development professionals in Western Europe, UNESCO Directory of institutions providing training for cultural development, see also

Brown, G., European Cultural Policy, Cultural Trends 36, 1999.

Cliche, D., Culture, governance and regulation, [in] Recognising Culture. A series of briefing papers on culture and development, ed. F. Matarasso, 2001.

Colebatch, H.K., Policy, University of Minnesota Press, 1998.

Concept of a More Effective Care for Movable Cultural Heritage in the Czech Republic in 2003-2008 (Museum Management Development Concept). Ministry of Culture,

Cultural Policy. Ministry of Culture,

Cultural policy of Hungary, prepared by Peter Inkei,

Cultural policy of Poland, prepared by Dorota Ilczuk and Luiza Drela,

Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: Sustaining and Renewing Professional Management For the 21st Century. A Proposed Action Plan for Creating Winning Conditions
A project of the Canadian Conference of the Arts, in collaboration with the Cultural Human Resources Council. www.

D’Angelo, M., Vesperini, P., Cultural policies in Europe: a comparative approach, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 1998.

Dorn,, Ch., Arts Administration: A Field of Dreams?, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Vol.22, issue 3.

Dragicevic-Sesic, M., Central Europe: Cultural managers as mediators, [in:] Challenges for cultural policy and management in Central and Eastern Europe, Culture Committee of Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1997.

Dragicevic-Sesic, M., Survey on institutions and centres providing training for cultural development professionals in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus Region, UNESCO-ENCATC, [in:] UNESCO Directory of institutions providing training for cultural development, see also

Dragicevic-Sesic, M., The cultural policy in the post-totalitarian period in Eastern and Central Europe – between local and global. Reader Summer University course, 2000.

Dwyer M.  Ch., Frankel, S., Policy Partners. Making the Case for State Investment in Culture, Center for Arts and Culture 2001.

Ellmeier, A., Rasky, B, Cultural policy in Europe – European cultural policy?, Vienna, 1998.

Feist, A., Cultural employment in Europe, Policy Notes, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 2000.

Ann M. Galligan, Creativity, Culture, Education, and the Workforce. Center for Arts and Culture,

Guide d’évaluation des besoins et de gestion de la formation continue à l’intention des coordonnateurs au développement professionnel du secteur culturel. Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en culture (CQRHC).

In from the margins. A contribution to the debate and culture and development in Europe, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 1997.

Jung, B., Moleda-Zdziech, M., Central and Eastern European cultural policies, media reform and development of media market in the mid-nineties, Leisure Studies 17 (1998), E&F Spon.

Kilcourse, T., Developing Competent Managers, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 18, no2, 1994.

Matarasso, F., Landry, Ch., Balancing act: strategic dilemmas in cultural policy, Council of Europe, 1999.

Miller, T., Yudice G., Cultural Policy, Sage 2002.

Mundy, S., (ed.), Cultural policy. A short guide, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 2000.

Philadelphia Cultural Management Initiative, Program Guidelines 2003,

Raelin, J., Let’s not teach management as if it were a profession, Business Horizons, Vol. 33, issue 2, March/April 1990.

Rasky, B., Wolf Perez, E. M., Cultural policy and cultural administration in Europe, Vienna, 1996.

Rothfield, L., Why Humanities Policy Belongs on the Public Agenda, National Assembly of State Arts Agencies,

Rothfield, L., Cultural Policy Studies??!! Cultural Policy Studies??!! Cultural Policy Studies??!! A Guide for Perplexed Humanists, Working Papers, Cultural Policy Centre, University of Chicago, April 1999.

Schmidt Campbell, M., New trends in cultural policy for the twenty-first century? Social Text 59, Vol.17, No.2, Summer 1999.

Smiers, J., The role of the European Community concerning the cultural article 151 in the Treaty of Amsterdam, research paper, Centre for Research Utrecht School of the Arts, 2002,

Tepper, S. J., From Words to Action. Do Meetings Matter for Cultural Policy?

Ten ways to convert legislators into arts advocates, National Assembly of State Arts Agencies,

The governance of culture: Approaches to integrated cultural planning and policies, Policy Notes, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 1999.

UNESCO, Draft Programme 2004-2005 (32C/5)

Varbanova, L., The training needs in cultural management in Central and Eastern Europe, [in:] Arts administration and cultural management training in the Eastern European Countries, Working Paper, ENCATC, 1999.

Wilson, P., Management Training for Art’s Sake, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 15, no 4, 1991.

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