Curriculum Vitae


Gajova 11, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovakia


Open Society Foundation , Bratislava, Slovakia
Deputy Director for Strategy and Program Development, 2001 – Present
- Oversee and develop operational programs
- Develop Foundation strategies, budgets and reports; develop and implement transitional strategy
- Prepare internal procedures, grant management procedures

Program Coordinator, 1999 – Present
- Develop and manage substantive, financial and administrative aspects of new programs in Public Administration and Law
- Example of projects developed: Free Access to Information Act, Law Clinics course at Universities, Judges and Media, Police and Media, Alternative Sentencing, Developing Policy Making Culture at Central Government

Open Society Institute , Forced Migration Projects, New York, USA
Intern, 1998 – 1999
- Monitored local newspapers about the situation of the Roma minorities in the Czech and Slovak republics.
- Researched and contributed to FMP alerts about current events in Central and Eastern Europe.
- Conducted background research to Forced Displacement in the former Soviet Union.

City University Bratislava , Foreign Relations, Bratislava, Slovakia (branch of The Open University, UK)
Project Manager, 1992 – 1997
- Participated in international research projects among European Universities and non-profit organizations.
- Managed administration of the ‘Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum’,1993 – 94.


Expert Mission on Free Access to Information Law to Mexico, 24/02 – 07/03, 2003
-    mission aiming at development of implementation strategies on federal level and in the states of Sinaloa and Durango

International Policy Fellowship 2002/2003
- junior scholar at Woodrow Wilson Research Center , Washington D.C. (September – December, 2002)
- research topic: “Cultural Change into Professional Policy Making: The Case of Slovakia” (recommendations are being implemented by the Government of the Slovak Republic)

Trainer in a training course ‘How to be a Better Policy Advisor’, October 11-13, 2001
- developed a training set (with G. Gajduschek, Hungary and D. Sandor, Romania)
- training conducted in English for academics from Central and Eastern Europe
- organized by NISPAcee and UNDP

Analysis ‘Current situation of Policy Making in Slovakia’, June-August 2001
- conducted with T. Verheijen, UNDP and M. Beblavý, INEKO
- basis for a longterm project for OSF Slovakia


Comenius University , Department of Political Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
PhD. candidate in Public Policy, 2000 – Present

New York University, R. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service , New York, USA
Master of Science in Public Administration, 1998 – 1999
- winner of the 1999 Wagner School Negotiation Competition

Central European University , Budapest, Hungary
M.A. with Distinction in International Relations and European Studies, 1997 – 1998
- published research paper as a working paper of the department

Comenius University , Bratislava, Slovakia
Magister in English and German studies, translating and interpreting, 1992 – 1997
- exchange student at Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria, 1996


“Politico-Administrative Relations under the Coalition Government: The Case of Slovakia” coauthored L. Malikova, in Politico-Administrative Relations under the Coalition Governments: Lessons from the CEE Countries, L. Vass and T. Verheijen, eds. (Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2003: forthcoming).

“Consultation and Coordination” coauthored J. Tokos and
“Policy Instruments”,  in Manual for Civil Servants on Policy Making (in Slovak language), M. Beblavý and A. Salner, eds. (Bratislava: SGI, 2002).

“Government Coordination: Prime Minister and Ministers, The Office of the Governmet and Ministries”, coauthored V. Pirosik and
“The Role of the State Secretaries” in Successful and Effective Government: Possibilities and Recommendations for the Future Cabinet (in Slovak language), M. Beblavý and A. Salner, eds., (Bratislava: SGI, 2002), pp.27-33, 40-47.

‘Methods and Techniques of Policy Analysis’ in How to Be a Better Policy Advisor? Manual, M. Grochowski, (Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2002).

‘Modelling the Processes in Public Policy Making’ in Demokracia a právny štát v kontexte rozvoja politickej vedy, Conference proceedings, Horná, Malíková (eds.),(Bratislava: Comenius University, 2001), pp. 125-133.

‘Politico-administrative relations: The Case of Slovakia’ coauthored L. Malikova in Politico-Administrative Relations, Tony Veheijen ed, (Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2001), pp. 268-294.

Nation Formation in Education: The Case of the Czech and Slovak Republics , Working Paper IRES, (Budapest: Central European University, 1999).


Language Skills: Native in Slovak, fluent in English, German; moderate in Czech, Hungarian
Computer Skills: Microsoft Office ’00, SPSS Statistical Analysis, Internet
Registered Tourist Guide
Enjoy backpacking, extensive travel throughout Scandinavia, USA, Mexico, Africa

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