March 2002
Attended the first IPF training seminar in Budapest.

March-April, 2002
Conducted initial research on legislation, policies on Roma minority in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland and selected mentors, reported back to IPF OSI about the choice of mentors.

April 2002
Attended a conference organized by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Stability Pact on the Political Participation of Roma in the Balkans.
Gave paper at a conference Roma and the State organized by the European Center for Migration and Minority Issues in Berlin.
Acted as a trainer on Roma rights for the Slovak Advocacy Chamber, Bratislava.

May 2002
Continued research on specific policies towards Roma, set dates for consultation with mentors.

June, 2002
Attended a summer school/ conference on HUDAP training and theory of social representation, Rome, Italy.
Consultation with mentors in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

July, 18-29, 2002
Attended a conference organized by the American Friends Service Committee, Vermont, USA
Delivered paper “Policy formation towards Roma in CEE and lobby mechanisms”

August 2002
Finalized methodological framework, outlined basic structure of field research, devised questionnaires for information sought, identified prospective interviewees, reported to mentors

September 2002
Conducted field research in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
September 10-12
Presented policy concerns on the Roma policy of Poland at the OSCE Human Dimension meeting, Warsaw.  Presented European Roma Rights Center Report Limits of Solidarity: Roma in Poland since 1989.  Engaged in policy discussion with Roma policy makers from the Ministry of Interior, the Office of the Public protector of Rights and U.S. Helsinki Commission Representative.

October 2002
Conducted Field Research in the Czech Republic. Attended IPF Seminar.  Conducted consultation with mentors.

November 2002
Conducted research and wrote substantially on Roma policy reform in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

December 2002
Gave paper at the International conference ‘The Roma – A Minority in Europe: Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives’ organised by the Stephen Roth Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel; Paper title: ‘Human Rights and Policy Formation towards Roma.’ (Will be published by the Stephen Roth Institute in summer 2003).
December 18 – Attended meeting of the Council for Roma Community Affairs in Brno, the Czech Republic.

January 2003
Conducted field research on the sterilisation of Romani women and political participation of Roma in the Czech Republic.

February 2003
Final research and writing up research report.

March 2003
Submitted final research paper ‘Political Representation of Roma: Roma in Politics in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland', Final Report and Mentors’ Critiques forms to the IPF staff.
March 11 - Attended working group session on Roma policy at the International Policy Fellowship seminar in Budapest.
